
Cause of death among infants in rural western china: A community-based study using verbal autopsy
作者:Ma, Y., Guo, S., Wang, H. , Xu, T., Huang, X., Zhao, C., Wang, Y., Scherpbier, R.W., Hipgrave, D.B.
机构: 中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心
期刊: J PEDIATR-US2014年9月3期165卷

Objectives To determine the causes of death among infants in high-mortality areas of western China with the use of globally recognized methods. Study design A survey of all infant deaths identified over 1 year in 4 counties in Yunnan and Xinjiang in which combined verbal autopsy was combined with a physician's diagnosis of the cause to calculate the local infant mortality rate. Results Among 470 completed investigations, a cause of death was assigned to 423 cases (90%). Overall, pneumonia (34.5%), preterm birth complications (16.5%), diarrhea (10.4%), birth asphyxia (10.3%), and congenital abnormalities (8.5%) were the main causes, with 56.6% of deaths occurring in the neonatal period. Deaths were attributable predominantly to prematurity or birth asphyxia in the early neonatal period, whereas infection accounted for more than 60% and 80% of deaths in the late and postneonatal periods, respectively. Calculated infant mortality was 21.9 in 1000 live births. Conclusions The pattern of infant mortality observed in the surveyed counties differs markedly from that reported previously at the national level, with a high proportion the result of causes that may be preventable with globally recommended interventions. Financial and political support is needed to promote improved cause of death surveillance and newborn and infant health care in China's western region. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved."

通讯作者:Department of Child Health Care, National Center for Women and Children's Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China
学科代码:儿科学   关键词:婴儿; ,中国作者重要发表 爱思唯尔医学网, Elseviermed
来源: Scopus
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