
Estimated Time Limit: A Brief Review of a Perceptually Based Scale
作者:Coquart, J...B..., Eston, R...G..., Noakes, T...D. 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: Sports Med2012年11月期42卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:B

The ability to predict performance is of great interest for athletes and coaches. It is helpful for the selection of athletes to a team, the prescription of individualized training and the determination of the optimal pacing strategy. However, it is often difficult to judge the time to exhaustion without maximal exercise testing, which is often difficult to schedule during a competitive season. Consequently, the purpose of this review is to present a recent tool based on subjective prediction of time to exhaustion than can be achieved without requiring a maximal effort. This tool is the estimated time limit (ETL) scale. This review summarizes all experimentations that have studied the ETL scale. These studies suggest that the ETL scale may be used to predict time to exhaustion (Fig 1).

Figure 1: Estimated time limit scale (reproduced from Garcin et al.,[10] with permission). Editor's Note: Please refer to original journal article for full references. (Reprinted from Coquart JB, Eston RG, Noakes TD, et al. Estimated time limit: a brief review of a perceptually based scale. Sports Med. 2012;42:845-855, with permission from Springer International Publishing AG.)

学科代码:运动医学   关键词:感知
来源: Eclips
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