
Adverse events over two years after retropubic or transobturator midurethral sling surgery: findings from the Trial of Midurethral Slings (TOMUS) study
作者:Brubaker, L..., for the Urinary Incontinence Treat 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: AM J OBSTET GYNECOL2012年10月期205卷 专家评级:★★★ 循证评级:A


To describe surgical complications in 597 women over a 24-month period after randomization to retropubic or transobturator midurethral slings.

Study Design: 

During the Trial of Midurethral Slings study, the Data Safety Monitoring Board regularly reviewed summary reports of all adverse events using the Dindo Surgical Complication Scale. Logistic regression models were created to explore associations between clinicodemographic factors and surgical complications.


A total of 383 adverse events were observed among 253 of the 597 women (42%). Seventy-five adverse events (20%) were classified as serious (serious adverse events); occurring in 70 women. Intraoperative bladder perforation (15 events) occurred exclusively in the retropubic group. Neurologic adverse events were more common in the transobturator group than in retropubic (32 events vs 20 events, respectively). Twenty-three (4%) women experienced mesh complications, including delayed presentations, in both groups.


Adverse events vary by procedure, but are common after midurethral sling. Most events resolve without significant sequelae.



学科代码:泌尿外科学   关键词:尿道中段悬吊试验
来源: Eclips
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