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NICE Issues Guidelines for ACS, Chest Pain, Neuralgia

By Jennie Smith 2010-03-24 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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The clinical effectiveness agency for England and Wales on March 24 issued new guidelines for early management of patients with acute coronary syndromes, covering the time period from the moment of a firm diagnosis to a patient’s discharge from the hospital.

For patients presenting with unstable angina or non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Effectiveness now demands that an established risk-scoring system to predict 6-month mortality be used immediately after diagnosis and administration of anti-blood-clotting drugs. Treatments can then be adjusted according to the patient’s risk profile and balanced against the risk of adverse advents, particularly bleeding.

Once aspirin and antithrombin therapy have been offered, physicians should assess the 6-month mortality risk using a tool such as the Global Registry of Acute Cardiac Events (GRACE) system, or a comparable system, NICE said.

For patients whose risk is above 3%, NICE recommends treatment with intravenous eptifibatide or tirofiban. NICE also recommends coronary angiography, with follow-on percutaneous coronary intervention if necessary, within 96 hours of hospital admission for the same high-risk patients if they do not have co-morbidities or active bleeding.

For lesser-risk patients who have not undergone angiography, the agency recommends ischemia testing, including echocardiography or magnetic resonance imaging, before discharge. Patients in either risk category should be involved in any discussions about revascularization strategy, as should an interventional cardiologist, cardiac surgeon, and other relevant healthcare professionals, the agency said.

In a separate but related guideline also published March 24, NICE officials described another two-pronged strategy, this time for the diagnosis and immediate care of patients presenting with chest pain. The first strategy applies to those patients suspected of having an acute coronary syndrome (ACS,) and the second to those with intermittent stable chest pain of suspected cardiac origin who may have stable angina.

For patients who may have an ACS, NICE recommends taking a resting 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) as soon as possible. If the patient is not yet at the hospital, the results should be sent in advance of the patient. “Recording and sending the ECG should not delay transfer to hospital,” the agency stated in a summary of the guidance.

An ACS should not be ruled out for patients with normal resting 12-lead ECGs, the agency said, and response to glyceryl trinitrate should not be used to make a diagnosis of ACS. Further, it said, ACS symptoms should not be assessed differently for different ethnic groups or for men vs. women. If ACS is suspected, immediate management should include aspirin and pain relief, but oxygen should not be routinely administered, the agency said. Oxygen saturation should be monitored using pulse oximetry to guide supplemental oxygen use.

If an ACS is determined, the pathway routes to the new ACS treatment guidelines.

For patients with intermittent stable chest pain who may have stable angina, the agency recommends clinical assessment plus diagnostic testing, including anatomical testing for CAD and functional testing for myocardial ischemia. If the likelihood of CAD is 90% or more, the patient should be managed for stable angina, and if it is between 10% and 90%, the patient should also be managed for stable angina while further testing proceeds. Exercise ECG should not be used to diagnose or exclude stable angina for people without known CAD, the agency said.

Also on March 24, NICE issued its first-ever guidance for the management of neuropathic pain by general practitioners, hoping to replace a trial-and-error approach with more standardized steps, including the off-label use of some medications. The agency recommends that healthcare providers prescribe amitriptyline or pregabalin as a first line treatment for patients with herpetic or other-cause neuralgia. For patients with painful diabetic neuropathy, NICE recommends a slightly different approach, beginning with oral duloxetine treatment.

For patients who continue to suffer pain at the maximum tolerated dose despite first-line treatment with amitriptyline, pregabalin, or duloxetine, NICE recommends switching to a different class of drug -- amitriptyline for patients previously prescribed pregabalin, for example. Combination therapies should be compared with monotherapies, NICE said.

If neuropathic pain persists, patients should be referred to pain specialists or specialists in the underlying disease (such as diabetes) that is the suspected cause of the patient’s pain. Opioids should only be prescribed if the patient has earlier been assessed by a specialist; other medications can also be prescribed if these were earlier started by a specialist, NICE said.

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