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Study Finds Significant Rate of Paternal Postpartum Depression

By Kate Johnson 2010-05-18 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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A significant number of men experience prenatal and postpartum depression, and the rate is marginally higher in the United States than in other countries, according to a meta-analysis of 43 studies published in the May 19 issue of JAMA.

The overall rate of paternal depression was 10.4%, with a U.S. rate of 14.1% vs. 8.2% in other countries.

In addition, the study reported maternal depression at a rate of 23.8%, with a moderate positive correlation between maternal and paternal depression.

The findings suggest that “more efforts should be made to improve screening and referral, particularly in light of the mounting evidence that early paternal depression may have substantial emotional, behavioral, and developmental effects on children,” noted lead author James F. Paulson, Ph.D., and his colleague Sharnail D. Bazemore of the department of pediatrics at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk (JAMA 2010;303:1961-9).

The correlation between paternal and maternal depression “also suggests a screening rubric – depression in one patient should prompt clinical attention to the other,” the investigators wrote.

The meta-analysis included studies from 16 countries and involved 28,004 new and expectant fathers aged 18 years or older.

Most studies (n = 40) assessed depression with a self-report rating scale, while 3 used a semistructured or structured interview. In addition to reporting paternal depression, 35 of the studies also reported rates of maternal depression, with 14 of them reporting the correlation between paternal and maternal symptoms.

The primary outcome was the point prevalence rate of paternal depression, and the secondary outcome included rates of depression of female partners. Regarding different time periods in relation to the birth, the 3- to 6-month postpartum period showed the highest rate of paternal (25.6%) and maternal (41.6%) depression, “although the small number of studies measuring paternal depression during this period suggests cautious interpretation,” they noted.

The studies in the meta-analysis showed a wide variation in rates of depression for both fathers and mothers; however, “since recent national data on base rates of depression in men place the 12-month prevalence at 4.8%, this suggests that paternal prenatal and postpartum depression represents a significant public health concern,” they wrote.

The authors suggested various potential causes of differences they observed between studies in the meta-analysis, including diverse measures of depression, locations, and sample characteristics. Another possible source “is the liberal inclusion of cases that can be classified as minor depression,” they added.

The correlation between paternal and maternal depression suggests that “prevention and intervention efforts for depression might be focused on the couple and family rather than the individual. Future research in this area should focus on parents together to examine the onset and joint course of depression in new parents,” Dr. Paulson and Ms. Bazemore said.

The meta-analysis also examined and found no evidence for publication bias.

Dr. Paulson and Ms. Bazemore said they had no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.







作为第一作者,美国诺福克东弗吉尼亚医学院的James F. Paulson博士及其同事Sharnail D. Bazemore指出,这些发现表明还应作出进一步努力以完善相关的筛查和转诊,尤其是考虑到越来越多的证据显示早期父亲抑郁可能对婴儿的情感、行为和发育产生重大的影响。






大部分研究(n = 40)采用抑郁自评量表进行评价,而其余3项研究则采用了半结构式或结构式访谈。除了报告父亲抑郁的评价结果外,有35项研究还报告了母亲抑郁的患病率,其中14项报告了父亲与母亲症状之间的相关性。













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