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WHO: Tuberculosis Rate Falling, But Not Fast Enough

By Jennie Smith 2010-05-19 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News

Though the global incidence rate of tuberculosis is falling, thanks to wide-scale coordination of standardized anti-TB interventions, the goal of eliminating TB by 2050 will not be met without new technologies and approaches, say specialists at the World Health Organization.

The reasons for the slower-than-hoped-for reduction rate of TB incidence, which now holds at less than 1% per year, are economic, geographic, and technological.

Current diagnostic methods in wide use only detect about 60% of TB cases. Vulnerable people in many poor countries still do not have access to affordable treatment or early diagnosis. Meanwhile multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB remains a threat in some regions, particularly Europe; and HIV infection fuels tuberculosis incidence in other regions, particularly Africa. In 2008 there were an estimated 139 incident cases of TB per 100,000 population, or 11 million worldwide, with 1.8 million associated deaths.

In the first of a series of eight articles on TB interventions, published online ahead of print May 18 in the Lancet, Dr. Knut Lönnroth and Dr. Mario Raviglione of WHO’s Stop TB program in Geneva, along with colleagues in the United States, Kenya, and India, undertook a broad review of published studies and of epidemiologic data to measure progress on TB reduction goals set by WHO and the United Nations between 1990 and 2000 [DOI]. They also surveyed control policies and health systems in 22 nations that together comprise 80% of the world’s TB burden, while noting that data reporting in many of the high-burden countries could be subpar or inconsistent.

The WHO and UN goals included halting and beginning to reverse by 2015 the incidence of TB; halving by 2015 the incidence and death rates of 1990; and reducing TB incidence to one case per million people by 2050. The first goal, Dr. Lönnroth and Dr. Raviglione concluded, may have been met as early as 2004. The second will likely be met in most regions, they said, but not all.

And the third goal, they said, may be out of reach without a reconsideration of overall strategy and further technological improvements.

Though some newer technologies, such as have preventative therapy with isoniazid, are helping and should be expanded, Dr. Lönnroth said in an interview May 18, “we can still wish for a better technology in terms of drug treatment for people with active disease. We want better, simpler diagnostic tools that can be used in peripheral settings, such as rural clinics – a blood test or a dib [antigen] test that can answer the question: ‘Do I have TB?’. And the ultimate thing we can wish for is a new and better vaccine.”

But Dr. Lönnroth noted that there are countless factors affecting TB rates, not all of which can be addressed with technology. “One thing is not going to help the situation,” he said. “It has to be a combination of different types of efforts.”

Combining different types of efforts is also the basic philosophy of directly observed therapy, short course (DOTS), WHO’s standardized package of tuberculosis interventions, which was started in 1995. The key components DOTS include diagnosis through bacteriology, standardized and supervised treatment, an effective drug supply system, and monitoring and evaluation of performance.

Between 1995 and 2008, a period during which DOTS was implemented in 181 countries (including all 22 of the high-burden countries), 36 million people were cured of TB, with an estimated 6 million more lives saved than had DOTS not been adopted, Dr. Lönnroth and Dr. Raviglione wrote. TB fatality rates worldwide dropped by half in that period, from 8% to 4%.

However, case detection rates, after a period of acceleration, leveled off in 2007 at around 60% globally, short of WHO’s goal of 70%. Treatment success under DOTS has proven uneven, with Mediterranean, Pacific, and Southeast Asian countries reporting successful treatment rates as high as 92% in 2007, while Europe and Africa saw 67% and 79% that year, respectively.

Dr. Lönnroth and Dr. Raviglione estimated, using modeling from multiple studies, that detection of incident cases above 70% and treatment rates over 85% would be necessary to produce reductions in the TB rate of 5%-10% per year. Currently, the annual global decline is estimated at a modest .07%.

While the European region, notably Russia, continues to struggle with MDR tuberculosis, inadequate treatment success, and high dropout rates from treatment, it is likely the African situation that will cause the 2015 target of halving the 1990 rates to be missed, Dr. Lönnroth and Dr. Raviglione wrote.

HIV infection increases vulnerability to co-infection with TB by a factor of 20, and the rapid increase in TB incidence and deaths in Africa during the 1990s related to the high regional incidence of HIV, which has only recently begun to decline.

Moreover, reporting and detection remains poor, with less than a quarter of the approximately 1.4 million HIV and TB co-infected people identified in 2008.

In concluding their analysis, the authors made note of the relationship between poverty and the epidemiology of TB, a relationship underscored in an associated editorial by Dr. Richard Horton, the Lancet’s editor in chief, and Dr. Pamela Das, its executive editor. Treatment-related actions alone, Dr. Horton and Dr. Das wrote, “will be insufficient to reach global goals. There is an urgent need to assess interventions for social and economic determinants, such as malnutrition, alcohol use, poor housing, indoor air pollution, and poverty.”

Other papers and related comments in the Lancet series addressed topics including the interaction of age and immunity with TB, the need to strengthen health systems, and the increase services and research priorities for diagnosis, management, and control of tuberculosis.

In a paper on TB vaccines, researchers led by Prof. Stefan H. E. Kaufmann, of Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin, said that “after decades of inactivity” in researcher and development for tuberculosis vaccines, 11 candidates are currently in the clinical trial stage. Most of the candidates are intended to replace or be boosters for the recombinant live vaccines (BCG) that is currently in use. The BCG vaccination provides insufficient protection against adolescent and adult TB, and while it is more effective in infants, it has safety issues in those who also have HIV, researchers explained.

The potential for improvement is great, they wrote. A key message of their report is that “New vaccines can contribute to the ambitious goal of reducing the yearly incidence of tuberculosis to less than one new case per million population by 2050,” the authors wrote. However, the efforts are severely underfunded. Costs are projected to be U.S.$2 billion per year price tag over the next 10 years. Some U.S.$400-$500 million was available in 2007-2008.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


一系列有关TB干预措施的文章有8篇,第一篇在线发表于5月18日的《柳叶刀》,WHO “遏制结核病计划” 日内瓦组的 Knut Lönnroth博士和 Mario Raviglione博士以及美国、肯尼亚和印度的同行对已发表的研究和流行病学数据进行了广泛的审查,衡量WHO和联合国(UN)在1990~2000年间设定的TB减少目标的进程(DOI)。他们还调查了22个国家(共占全球TB负担的80%)的控制政策和卫生体系,同时指出许多高负担国家的数据可能未达标准或不符合标准。
WHO和UN的目标包括:到2015年TB的发病率不再增长或开始逆转;到2015年TB的发病率和死亡率较1990年减半;到2050年TB的发病率减至1例/100万人。Lönnroth 博士 和Raviglione博士断定,第1个目标可能早在2004年就已实现,第2个目标很可能会在大多数地区而非所有地区实现。
借助多方面的共同努力也是直接监督短程化疗 (DOTS)——WHO的结核病标准化综合干预措施 (始于1995年)的基本理念。关键组分DOTS包括通过细菌学诊断、标准化的监督治疗、有效的药物发放系统以及工作的监测和评估。
在1995~2008年间, 181个国家(包括所有的22个高负担国家)实行DOTS,期间有3,600万人TB得到治愈,估计实行DOTS额外挽救了600条生命,Lönnroth 博士和 Raviglione博士写道。这一时期内全世界TB死亡率降低一半,由8%降至4%。
Lönnroth 博士和Raviglione博士应用多种研究中的模型估计,病例检出率必须超过70%、治疗率必须高于85%才能以每年5%~10%的速度抑制TB的发病率。目前全球每年下降率估计仅为0.07%。
尽管欧洲地区,特别是俄罗斯,仍在继续与MDR结核病、治疗不够成功及治疗的高退出率的情况斗争,但非洲的形势很可能会使2015年的发病率较1990年减半这一目标落空,Lönnroth博士和 Raviglione博士说。
作者在分析的结论中提到贫穷与TB流行病学的关系,《柳叶刀》首席编辑Richard Horton博士和执行编辑Pamela Das所写的随刊编者按中亦强调了这种关系。Horton博士和 Das博士写道,治疗相关的行动 “不足以实现全球性目标。目前迫切需要对社会和经济决定因素的干预措施进行评估,其中包括营养不良、酒精的摄入、较差的居住条件、室内空气污染以及贫穷。”
在一篇有关TB疫苗的论文中,Max Planck传染生物学研究所的Stefan H. E. Kaufmann教授所带领的研究者说,结核病疫苗的研发“在沉寂数十年之后”,有11种候选疫苗目前正处于临床试验阶段。大多数候选疫苗预期用于替代目前应用中的重组活疫苗(BCG)或成为其强化疫苗,这种疫苗用于婴儿更为有效,但在同时感染HIV者中仍存在安全性问题,研究者解释说。
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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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