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植入Heartmate II型左心室辅助系统的患者常会出现肝功能异常

Liver Dysfunction Common After Heartmate II LVAD Placement

By Sharon Worcester 2010-05-19 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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CHICAGO (EGMN) –Early postoperative liver dysfunction is common following implantation of the Heartmate II left ventricular assist device, according to findings from a retrospective study.

In fact, 14 (25%) of 57 patients who had Heartmate II implantation as a bridge to transplant or as destination therapy between June 2005 and April 2008 developed early postoperative liver dysfunction (EPOLD). The condition was defined as a bilirubin level of 7 mg/dL or greater within 7 days of implantation, Dr. Elizabeth Ziemba reported in a poster at the annual meeting of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation.

Survival, however, did not appear to be affected by the development of EPOLD.

Patients with elevated preoperative total bilirubin levels were at particular risk of developing EPOLD (odds ratio 7.046), suggesting that preexisting liver dysfunction is most likely an important risk factor for EPOLD.

Another factor associated with EPOLD was poor preoperative nutrition status as evidenced by low prealbumin levels (OR 0.856).

“If possible, nutritional status must be optimized before LVAD placement,” Dr. Ziemba wrote.

Although right heart failure is a known risk factor for liver dysfunction in LVAD patients, central venous pressure was not found to be a predictor of EPOLD, noted Dr. Ziemba of the surgery department at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

All patients in the study were treated at the university and underwent standard heart failure therapy before implantation. Pump speed was set to provide adequate cardiac output while achieving optimal left ventricular decompression, and the pulsatility index was maintained at 3.5-5.0. The pump speed also was optimized both hemodynamically and echocardiographically before final hospital discharge, she noted.

Patients who developed EPOLD experienced a prolonged postoperative recovery of bilirubin levels. The levels increased in both groups postoperatively, and peaked on about day 3 at 9.78 mg/dL in the EPOLD patients and on day 1 at about 3.5 mg/dL in the non-EPOLD patients. Levels returned to near the baseline value of 1.5 mg/dL in 60 days in the EPOLD patients, compared with only 5 days in the non-EPOLD patients.

Despite the high prevalence of EPOLD in this study, the overall survival of patients with a Heartmate II LVAD at 6 months was excellent, at 82.5%. Survival in those without liver dysfunction was 84%, and survival in those with EPOLD was 79%, Dr. Ziemba reported.

Indeed, LVADs have “revolutionized the treatment options available for patients with end-stage heart failure,” she wrote.

She concluded, however, that the multifactorial effect of liver dysfunction on LVAD outcomes, including mortality, deserves further evaluation.

Dr. Ranjit John reported receiving research grant support from Thoratec, which developed the Heartmate II device. The other authors reported having no financial or other relevant conflicts.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


芝加哥(EGMN)——根据一项回顾性研究结果,植入Heartmate II型左心室辅助系统(LVAD)的患者在术后早期常会出现肝功能异常。
Elizabeth Ziemb博士在国际心肺移植协会年会上以壁报形式报告了其研究成果。她及其同事回顾分析了57名于2005年6月~2008年4月间作为心脏移植前过渡治疗或作为最终治疗而接受Heartmate II型LVAD植入手术的患者。结果显示,其中14名(25%)患者出现术后早期肝功能异常(EPOLD),表现为植入术后7 天内胆红素水平达到或超过7 mg/dl。
出现EPOLD的患者术后胆红素水平恢复时间有所延长。胆红素水平在两组患者术后均升高,其峰值在EPOLD患者出现在术后第3天,达9.78 mg/dl;而在非EPOLD患者则出现在术后第1天,约为3.5 mg/dl。EPOLD患者恢复到基线水平1.5 mg/dl需60 天,而非EPOLD患者仅需5 天。
尽管在该研究中EPOLD的发病率较高,但患者植入Heartmate II型LVAD后6个月时的总生存率非常高,达82.5%。根据Ziemba博士的报告,没有肝功能异常的患者生存率达84%,而EPOLD患者也达到79%。
Ranjit John博士声称接受了Heartmate II型设备研制者Thoratec公司的研究资金支持。其他作者称没有经济或其他相关利害关系。
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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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