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Gout Drug May Act as an Anti-Ischemic in Angina

By Sharon Worcester 2010-06-07 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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High-dose allopurinol, a safe and inexpensive xanthine oxidase inhibitor used for decades for the treatment of gout, also appears to be an effective anti-ischemic drug in patients with angina pectoris, according to findings from a randomized, placebo-controlled study.

In 65 patients in the double-blind crossover study, allopurinol was shown during a standard exercise test to significantly improve median overall time to ST depression – the primary end point of the study – by a point estimate (the absolute difference between allopurinol and placebo) of 43 seconds, for a 19% improvement. It also significantly improved median exercise time and time to chest pain by point estimates of 58 and 38 seconds, respectively, Dr. Awsan Noman of the University of Dundee, Scotland, and colleagues reported online June 8 in The Lancet.

Time to ST depression improved from 232 seconds at baseline to 249 seconds and 298 seconds in the placebo and treatment groups, respectively; total exercise time improved from 301 seconds at baseline to 307 seconds and 393 seconds in the two groups, respectively; and time to symptoms improved from 234 seconds at baseline to 272 seconds and 304 seconds in the two groups, respectively, the investigators reported (Lancet 2010 June 8 [doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60391-1]).

The patients were aged 18-85 years and had angiographically documented coronary artery disease, a positive exercise tolerance test, and stable chronic angina pectoris for at least 2 months prior to enrollment. They were randomized to receive allopurinol daily or placebo for 6 weeks. Allopurinol in the first phase of the study was given at a dose of 100 mg once daily in the first week, 300 mg once daily in the second week, and 300 mg twice daily in weeks 3-6; the 600-mg daily dose was used in the crossover phase, which immediately followed the first phase, because it was shown to be the most effective dose for improving endothelial function and oxidative stress, they said.

The findings suggest that “endogenous xanthine oxidase activity contributes somehow to exercise-induced myocardial ischaemia,” the investigators wrote, adding that the magnitude of the anti-ischemic effect of allopurinol in this study appeared similar to that seen with other antianginal drugs. For example, reported improvements with amlodipine, nitrates, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, ivabradine, and atenolol and ranolazine in prior studies were 13%, 11%, 14%, 13.5%, and 15%, vs. placebo, respectively, they reported.

“Allopurinol might now be regarded as a potential drug for angina,” the investigators wrote, citing numerous advantages over other available antianginal drugs, including lower cost, a favorable long-term safety record over more than 40 years of use in gout patients, and better tolerability; allopurinol does not reduce blood pressure or heart rate, and does not cause side effects such as headache and tiredness common with nitrates and beta-blockers, they noted.

Further study is needed to better characterize the “the precise place of allopurinol in the management of angina pectoris,” but it may be a particularly appealing drug for use in developing countries where the availability of more expensive treatments is limited, they concluded.

Stable angina is the most frequent initial presentation of coronary heart disease; it can lead to acute coronary syndrome, particularly in higher risk groups; and it has high rates of residual symptoms and impaired quality of life even in well managed patients. Nonetheless, the condition has received little attention, compared with unstable angina and other acute coronary syndromes, Dr. Renjith Antony and Dr. Henry J. Dargie, of the Scottish Advanced Heart Failure Service, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, said in an editorial.

The report by Dr. Noman and colleagues is interesting and welcome in that it will “focus attention on the unmet needs of patients with the most common, and frequently troublesome, manifestation of coronary heart disease,” they wrote (Lancet 2010 June 8 [doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60578-8]).

“Xanthine oxidase inhibition by allopurinol is yet another non-haemodynamic action that could be exerting its putative anti-ischaemic effects by various mechanisms,” they said, comparing allopurinol with nicorandil, ranolazine, and other drugs that have antianginal effects ascribed to non-hemodynamic effects.

Although more work is needed to confirm allopurinol’s effects and better understand its mechanism of action, it appears to be one of a number of compounds that challenge the concept of what constitutes antianginal therapy, they said.

“Although prevention of coronary artery disease remains important, protecting the myocyte from ischaemia is a logical and pragmatic approach to a disabling condition for which several mechanisms might be responsible,” they added.

The University of Dundee and one of the study authors have applied for a patent for the use of xanthine oxidase inhibitors to treat anginal chest pain. Dr. Noman and the other authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. Dr. Antony and Dr. Dargie indicated that they have no financial conflicts.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



据苏格兰Dundee大学的Awsan Noman博士及其同事68日在线发表于《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)上的一篇论文,在这项纳入65例患者的双盲交叉研究中,据一项标准运动试验的结果显示,别嘌呤醇可显著延长患者发生ST段压低(该研究的主要终点)的总体中位时间——对该数值进行点估计(别嘌呤醇和安慰剂之间的绝对差异)的结果为43s,该时间延长了19%。该药物还显著延长了患者运动和胸痛发作的中位时间,其点估计结果分别为58s38s


安慰剂组和治疗组的患者发生ST段压低的时间分别由基线值232s延长至249s298s,两组患者的总运动时间分别由基线值301s延长至307s393s,患者的基线值为234s,两组患者的症状发作时间分别由基线值234s延长至272s304s,研究者们报告说(Lancet 2010 June 8 [doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60391-1])










稳定型心绞痛是冠状动脉疾病最常见的早期表现,它可以引发急性冠脉综合征,尤其是对高危群体而言,且由该病所导致的残留症状和生活质量下降即便是在治疗状况良好的患者中也有很高的发生率。尽管如此,与不稳定型心绞痛和其他急性冠脉综合征相比,该病极少受到关注,苏格兰西丹巴顿郡金禧国家医院和苏格兰晚期心力衰竭服务系统(the Scottish Advanced Heart Failure Service)Renjith Antony博士和Henry J. Dargie博士在编者按中说。


Noman博士及其同事的研究报告的有趣及受欢迎之处在于其将集中关注那些伴有冠状动脉疾病最常见的、且常常是令人烦恼的症状的患者的未被满足的需求,他们写道(Lancet 2010 June 8 [doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60578-8])










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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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