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Colorectal Polyps Under 10 mm Show Very Low Malignancy Rate

By Denise Napoli 2010-06-08 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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In a cohort of more than 5,000 patients with a total of 755 colorectal polyps, 100% of malignancies were associated with polyps greater than or equal to 10 mm, Dr. Perry J. Pickhardt and his colleagues reported in an article appearing in the July issue of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Most of the polyps were smaller, however: “6-9 mm lesions represented as much as 61% of all ... lesions,” the authors noted.

“These aggregate results suggest the potential for less aggressive management of some [computed tomographic colonography]–detected lesions,” especially those in the 6-9 mm range, wrote Dr. Pickhardt of the department of radiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dr. Pickhardt looked at 5,124 consecutive asymptomatic adults undergoing computed tomography colonography (CTC) between April 2004 and July 2008. Patients’ mean age was 57 years, and 2,792 were women.

“Although individuals were not excluded for a positive family history of colorectal cancer, only 1.7% (89 adults) actually had a positive history according to [American Cancer Society] guidelines,” wrote Dr. Pickhardt (Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2010 July [doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2010.03.007]).

Included in the analysis were all CTC-detected colorectal polyps greater than 6 mm that had corresponding endoscopic and/or surgical confirmation, wrote the authors, “including lesions not prospectively identified at CTC but found at subsequent colonoscopy.”

“Mucosal-based polyps that were confirmed at colonoscopy but were lost during retrieval, fulgurated, or otherwise ablated were also excluded,” they added.

A total of 755 lesions greater than or equal to 6 mm were found in 479 patients. This included 464 lesions (61.5%) that were 6-9 mm, 216 lesions (28.6%) that were 10-19 mm, 33 lesions (4.4%) that measured 20-29 mm, and 42 (5.6%) that exceeded 30 mm.

According to Dr. Pickhardt, “In the small polyp group (6-9 mm), the rate of advanced adenomas was 3.9% (18 of 464).” Furthermore, only two polyps in this group were found to exhibit high-grade dysplasia, and none were classified as malignant.

That is in contrast to large polyps – those greater than 10 mm. Here, “the overall rate of advanced adenomas and malignancy was significantly higher compared to the smaller polyp group, at 61.9% (180/291) and 6.9% (20/291), respectively (P less than .001 for both comparisons),” wrote the authors.

This included two malignant polyps in the 10-19 mm group (for a prevalence of 0.9% in this group, out of 216 total polyps), and two malignancies in the 20-29 mm group (for a prevalence of 6.1% in this group, out of 33 total polyps – a significantly higher proportion than the 0.9% prevalence in the 10-19 mm group, with P less than .001).

The remaining 16 malignancies were all found among the group of 42 polyps that measured greater than 30 mm, for a prevalence of 38.1%.

“For CTC-detected masses measuring 3 cm or greater, the risk of cancer clearly outweighs any procedural costs or risks related to its removal,” wrote the authors. However, “For CTC-detected colorectal lesions in the 1-2 cm and 2-3 cm size categories, the need for polypectomy referral has not been questioned in the past, although our findings show that the immediate benefit may not be as great as previously assumed.”

“The guiding principal should be that we carefully balance the risks and benefits to achieve an optimal outcome,” they added.

The authors conceded that the study was limited by the fact that the cohort included “average-risk screening subjects; higher rates of important histology would be expected amongst cohorts at increased risk for colorectal cancer.”

Additionally, they wrote, “Some polyps called at CTC are not found at subsequent colonoscopy,” though these account for “fewer than 10% of all CTC-detected lesions in our experience.”

Dr. Pickhardt and one other author on this study disclosed that they are consultants for Viatronix Inc. and Medicsight PLC, medical and CT imaging companies, and are cofounders of VirtuoCTC LLC, which publishes guidance on CTC.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Perry J. Pickhardt博士及其同事们在发表于《临床胃肠病与肝脏病学》(Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology)7月刊上的一篇文章中报告称,他们在一个包括5,000多例患者共755个结直肠息肉在内的研究队列中,发现所有恶变的息肉都与其直径≥10 mm有密切关系。


作者强调说,多数的息肉都很小,然而:“61%的病变大小介于6~9 mm之间。


Wisconsin-Madison大学放射科的Pickhardt博士写道:这些汇总结果表明,经计算机断层扫描结肠成像术检测到的病变恶性程度较低,尤其对6~9 mm间的病变来说更是如此。




Pickhardt博士(Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2010 July [doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2010.03.007])写道:尽管具有结直肠癌家族史的患者并未被排除在外,按照美国癌症协会的指南标准,本组患者中仅有1.7% (89例成人)具有阳性家族史。


入组该研究的病变为经CTC检出结直肠息肉且息肉>6 mm者,并得到了内镜检查或外科手术的验证。作者在文章中写道:研究中也包括了那些最初并没有经CTC检出、而是由接下来的结肠镜检查发现的病变。




479例患者中,共发现≥6 mm的病变755个。其中包括6~9 mm的病变464(61.5%)10~19 mm的病变216(28.6%)20~29 mm的病变33(4.4%),而>30 mm的病变为42(5.6%)


Pickhardt博士指出,在小息肉组(6~9 mm)中,晚期腺瘤占3.9% (18/464)此外,在这组患者中,仅有2个具有高度不典型增生,无恶性肿瘤。


这项研究中,大息肉组——直径>10 mm者的结果完全相反,作者写道:晚期腺瘤和恶性病变的总发生率明显高于小息肉组,晚期腺瘤和恶性病变分别占61.9% (180/291) 6.9% (20/291)(两组比较P <0.001)


10~19 mm息肉组中,发现2个恶性息肉病变(该组共216个,其发生率为0.9%)。在20~29 mm息肉组中,发现2个恶性息肉病变(该组共33个,其发生率为6.1%,明显高于10~19 mm息肉组中0.9%的发生率,P <0.001)


其余的16个恶性病变均见于>30 mm息肉(42)组,其发生率为38.1%


作者写道:对于经CTC检出的≥3 cm的肿物,其癌变的风险明显超过任何手术成本或将其切除所带来的相关风险。然而,对于经CTC检出的1~2 cm 2~3 cm大小的肿物,过去对因息肉切除术而转诊的措施没有任何争议,然而我们的研究发现其短期收益也许没有我们之前预想的那么好。








Pickhardt博士和另一位作者表示他们是Viatronix公司和Medicsight PLC公司(二者均为医疗和CT影像公司)的顾问,是VirtuoCTC LLC的共同创始人,VirtuoCTC LLC发布了有关CTC的应用指南。


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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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