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No Relationship Between Health Care Benchmarks, Operative Mortality in NSCLC

By Robert Finn 2010-07-08 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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OJAI, California (EGMN) – In a prospective study of 778 patients undergoing surgery for non–small cell lung cancer, investigators found no significant relationships between any of 53 health care benchmarks and mortality.

The investigators did, however, find an association between 10 critical benchmarks and morbidity, said Dr. Robert J. Cerfolio at the annual meeting of the Western Thoracic Surgical Association.

“It appears that the quality of the patient is a better predictor of outcomes than ... the quality of the health care provider,” said Dr. Cerfolio of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Cerfolio conducted the study along with Dr. Ayesha S. Bryant, also from the university.

In performing the study, the investigators first developed a list of 53 facets of optimal patient care that might be expected to affect outcomes in patients undergoing surgery for non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

They identified 14 preoperative benchmarks, 8 day-of-surgery benchmarks, 18 intraoperative benchmarks, and 13 postoperative benchmarks. Within those, they designated 10 “critical” benchmarks – those that appeared necessary for a good outcome.

Among the critical benchmarks were enrolling the patient in a cardiopulmonary rehab program at home prior to surgery, performing the lobectomy in less than 100 minutes, losing less than 125 mL of blood during the operation, and discharge by postoperative day 4.

The 778 patients ranged in age from 19 to 86 years and received their operations between 2007 and 2009. Physicians performed a lobectomy or bi-lobectomy on 64% of the patients, sublobar resection on 34%, and pneumonectomy on 2%. Among the patients, 15% had diabetes mellitus, 21% had coronary artery disease, and 35% had a smoking history of at least 20 pack-years.

The health care team met 99.8% of the day-of-surgery benchmarks, 96.8% of the intraoperative benchmarks, 94% of the postoperative benchmarks, and 90.5% of the preoperative benchmarks. Of the critical benchmarks, 89% of the patients received all 10 and 98% got 9 of the 10. But only 60% of the patients received all 53 of the benchmarks, a result that Dr. Cerfolio described as disappointing and embarrassing.

About 2% of the patients died, 9.25% experienced major morbidity, and the overall morbidity rate was 27%.

In a univariate analysis the investigators identified six patient characteristics associated with mortality, including an age above 67 years, the type of resection, and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) greater than 78%. But in a multivariate analysis that controlled for numerous potential confounders, only two factors remain statistically significant: Whether the patient was a smoker and whether he or she had coronary artery disease.

The researchers identified 11 different factors with a univariate relationship to major morbidity, but the only ones that were statistically significant in the multivariate analysis were age, smoking status, coronary artery disease, and whether the healthcare team delivered all 10 critical benchmarks.

Similarly, 11 factors had a significant univariate relationship with overall mortality, but only four of them remained statistically significant in the multivariate analysis. They were: age greater than 67, smoking status, type of pulmonary resection, and meeting all 10 critical benchmarks.

Dr. Cerfolio noted some limitations of this study. For one thing, the investigators developed the 53 benchmarks subjectively, and some of the benchmarks were nothing more than surrogates for good outcomes, such as “avoid ICU admission,” or “go home by postoperative day 4.” In addition, the study was relatively small, and it was conducted at a single institution.

Dr. Cerfolio said that he undertook the study in part to evaluate whether “pay-for-performance” seemed to be appropriate in treating patients requiring surgery for NSCLC. “In this very small study the concept of pay for performance is unsupported,” he concluded.

Dr. Cerfolio serves as a consultant for Deknatel, Closure Medical Corp., and Neomend Inc., and as a speaker for E Plus Healthcare LLC¸ Medela, Ethicon, Covidien, OSI Systems Inc., Precision Medical Inc., and DaVinci Medical Group.

Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



Robert J. Cerfolio博士在美国西部胸外科协会年会上发言说,然而,这些研究者们确实发现患者患病率和10项关键基准指标之间存在关联。


阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校的Cerfolio博士说:在预测患者的临床转归方面,患者自身的特征似乎是比……医务人员素质更好的指标Cerfolio博士与来自同所大学的Ayesha S. Bryant博士一起开展了该研究。


在该研究的实施过程中,研究者首先列出了一份清单,其中包括对患者进行最优护理的53个方面,据研究者预计,这些指标有可能影响因非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC) 而接受手术治疗患者的临床转归。




在确定这些关键基准指标的同时,研究者正从某个心肺康复项目中招募患者,其纳入标准是:手术前未入院治疗,肺叶切除术耗时<100 min,术中失血<125 ml,且在术后第4天便被允许出院。


















Cerfolio博士在DeknatelClosure Medical公司和Neomend公司担任顾问一职,他同时还担任E Plus医疗保健有限责任公司、美德乐公司、爱惜康公司、Covidien公司、OSI Systems公司、Precision Medical公司和DaVinci医疗集团的演讲者。


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pulmonology, oncology, OncologyEX, surgery, surgery
呼吸病学, 肿瘤学, 普通外科学, 胸部外科学

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