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Consider an Aromatase Inhibitor in All Postmenopausal Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer

By Mary Ann Moon 2010-07-12 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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An aromatase inhibitor should be considered as adjuvant therapy for all postmenopausal women with hormone receptor–positive breast cancer, according to an updated American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice guideline published online July 12 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

The optimal timing and duration of aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment are not yet resolved, but it appears to reduce the risk of recurrence when taken at some time during adjuvant therapy – either alone as monotherapy, as sequential therapy before tamoxifen therapy commences or after 2-3 years of tamoxifen treatment, or as extended therapy after 5 years of tamoxifen is completed, said Dr. Harold J. Burstein of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, and his associates on ASCO’s Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer Update Committee.

The last update on the adjuvant use of AIs for hormone receptor–positive breast cancer was published in 2004. “Our panel carefully reviewed the explosion of research that has emerged in the past 5 years on anti-estrogen drugs, and filled in gaps in our understanding of how best to use these newer treatments, and what the trade-offs and side effects of therapy would be,” Dr. Burstein noted in a press statement accompanying the new guideline.

Their review focused on 12 prospective randomized clinical trials gleaned from 484 articles or abstracts from the medical literature, presentations, or posters.

The data are somewhat limited. Most of the studies had relatively short follow-up times, and the longest median follow-up was only 8 years. Because of that and patients’ generally favorable prognoses, few breast cancer events occurred during follow-up.

In addition, the assessment of important subgroups of patients was limited by relatively small sample sizes, and the small samples also limited analysis of quality-of-life data, Dr. Burstein and his colleagues said (J. Clin. Oncol. 2010 [doi:10.1200/JCO.2009.26.3756]).

Among the committee’s major findings:

– Adding an AI to adjuvant therapy improves disease-free survival and reduces the risk of distant metastasis, locoregional recurrence, and contralateral breast cancer. The reduction is modest – typically less than 5% over several years – but these outcomes are clinically important to patients. Only a few trials demonstrated a statistically significant increase in overall survival.

– AI therapy should not extend beyond 5 years, as either initial or extended adjuvant treatment, because results on longer-term treatment are not yet available.

– The optimal length of time before switching from tamoxifen to an AI is not yet known. For sequential treatment, patients should receive an AI after 2-3 years of tamoxifen, for a total of 5 years of adjuvant endocrine therapy. Alternatively, patients who begin an AI but discontinue it before 5 years have elapsed can consider taking tamoxifen until a total of 5 years of endocrine therapy accrue. For extended therapy, patients can be offered an AI after they have taken 5 years of tamoxifen. The data on extended therapy, however, are not as extensive as with sequential therapy.

– As of now, no clinically important differences in effectiveness have been reported among the three commercially available AIs (anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane).

– Research to date has not revealed a specific marker that identifies patients most likely to benefit from AI therapy, nor a clinical subset of patients most likely to benefit.

– AIs generally are well tolerated. The drugs have been linked to increased risk of hypercholesterolemia and hypertension, and possibly of cardiovascular disease, but longer follow-up is needed to determine potential CV toxicity.

AIs also often cause a mild to moderate musculoskeletal/arthralgia syndrome. They have been associated with a greater loss of bone mineral density and a 2%-4% increased risk of fracture, compared with tamoxifen, but the long-term impact of treatment on bone is not yet known.

AIs appear to have fewer gynecologic adverse effects than tamoxifen. An increased risk of uterine cancer, benign endometrial pathology, hysterectomy, and vaginal discharge has not yet been noted with AIs, as it has with tamoxifen. AIs may produce fewer hot flashes and less vaginal dryness than tamoxifen.

The committee stressed that the late effects of AI therapy, as well as the possible adverse effects of extended AI therapy, have not yet been fully characterized.

The committee also noted that there is no evidence yet for or against the usefulness of AI therapy in men with breast cancer.

To facilitate treatment adherence, the updated guideline emphasized that clinicians should alert patients to common adverse effects and potential toxicities of AIs. Research shows that up to 40% of patients discontinue tamoxifen within 3 years and half do so within 5 years, and the findings with AIs are similar. The clear majority of patients who stop treatment prematurely do so because of adverse effects.

In particular, the musculoskeletal effects of AIs prompted discontinuation in more than 10% of women in one study. “Information support for patients about anticipated adverse effects and management of those adverse effects may increase persistence,” according to the guideline.

Monetary constraints are another cause of nonadherence. In one study of tamoxifen, 60% of patients who discontinued treatment early said that the cost of the drug was a key factor. “It is likely that the out-of-pocket costs of AIs pose an even greater barrier to patients,” the committee said.

The complete clinical practice guideline is available at www.asco.org/guidelines/endocrinebreast. A corresponding patient guide is available on ASCO’s patient Web site, www.cancer.net.

Some of the update committee members reported ties to Pfizer, Novartis, and AstraZeneca.

Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



波士顿达纳法伯癌症研究所(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)Harold J. Burstein博士及合作者在ASCO乳腺癌内分泌治疗进展委员会(Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer Update Committee)上指出,目前尚未确定芳香化酶抑制剂(AI)治疗的最佳时机和疗程,但在辅助治疗期间——作为单药治疗,他莫昔芬治疗开始前或治疗后2~3年的序贯治疗,抑或作为完成5年他莫昔芬治疗后的强化治疗——AI似乎可以减少复发风险。








Burstein博士及其同事说,由于样本量相对较小,小样本也使生命质量数据的分析受到限制,故对重要亚组患者的评估具有局限性 (J. Clin. Oncol. 2010 [doi:10.1200/JCO.2009.26.3756])






– AI治疗不应超过5年,无论是初始辅助治疗抑或强化辅助治疗,原因为目前尚未获得长期治疗结果。


















为提高治疗遵从性,最新指南强调指出,医生应提醒患者AI的常见不良反应及潜在毒性。研究显示,多达40%的患者在 3年内停用他莫昔芬,50%的患者在5年内做出此举,AI治疗的研究结果相近。因不良反应而提前停止治疗的患者明显占大多数。










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