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Diagnostic Challenge: Neurology

By Kerri Wachter 2009-03-31 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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A 22-year-old African American man presented to the ED, complaining chiefly of weakness on the left side of his body for the past month, which does not improve with rest. He also complained of numbness on the left side of his body, including the left side of his chest. He does not have any muscle pain. He mentioned that he has had balance problems for the last 2-3 months. He also complained of headache in the temporal area, nausea, and vertigo.

The man also complained of visual difficulty, including double vision and blurring of vision in the left eye. He denied having any dysphagia or dysarthria – he had no slurring of speech or bowel/bladder dysfunction. He did not have vomiting, rash, fever, chills, rigors, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitation, or abdominal pain.

The man had been seen in the emergency department 3 months prior, complaining of severe nausea and vertigo. At that time, a CT scan showed decreased attenuation along the right periventricular area. The radiologist recommended correlation with MRI to exclude acute infarction. However, at that time, the patient did not have any weakness and was treated symptomatically for the diagnosis of acute labyrinthitis. He is otherwise healthy, with no history of sexually transmitted diseases, known drug allergies, or family history of neurologic disease.

On physical exam, his vital signs were within normal limits. An eye exam revealed a normal reactive pupil and incomplete left homonymous hemianopia. Cranial nerves III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, and XII were intact.

Rinne and Weber tests showed abnormal lateralization to the left with decreased bone and air conduction in the left ear. On the left upper and lower extremities, the patient had a 20% reduction in power and strength and decreased sensation to touch, pinprick, and temperature. His deep tendon reflexes were 2+ in both upper extremities and 3+ in both lower extremities, and his plantar reflexes were flexor bilaterally. He had dysmetria and past-pointing on his left side. The Romberg sign was positive, with a tendency to fall toward left. He also had an ataxic gait with limping of his left leg. Initial laboratory data showed mild hypokalemia and elevated creatinine phosphokinase. His blood chemistry was otherwise normal.

A CT scan of the head showed patchy areas of decreased attenuation involving the left frontal lobe and the periventricular region, including on the right side posteriorly and on the left side in the region of the left frontal lobe and the centrum semiovale. There was no evidence of acute infarction. The radiologist recommended that the possibility of vasculitis should be excluded with a follow-up MRI. Neurology was consulted to rule out vasculitic cause of the symptoms. The patient’s history and physical examination suggested findings consistent with upper motor neuron disease, and possible demyelination, according to attending neurologist Dr. Victor Jaramillo and neurology resident Dr. Ninad Parekh of Conemaugh Memorial Hospital, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. They also advised performing MRI to better assess the brain lesions.

Follow-up MRI findings met four of the McDonald MR imaging criteria for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. However, the multiple large lesions found on the brain MRI did not correlate with the very limited neurologic deficits that were detected on physical exam. For further assessment of spinal involvement, cervical and thoracic MRIs were obtained as well. The cervical MRI also showed multiple areas of increased signal, while the thoracic MRI appeared normal.

The recommended diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis, published as guidelines from the international panel on the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis – more commonly known as “McDonald criteria” – were formulated in 2001. These criteria were further modified in 2005 to simplify and increase rapidity of diagnosis of MS while at the same time maintaining adequate sensitivity and specificity.

According to the modified McDonald criteria, “the revised MRI criteria for dissemination in time are detection of gadolinium enhancement at least 3 months after the onset of the first clinical event or detection of a new T2 lesion appearing at any time, compared with a reference scan done at least 30 days after the onset of the initial clinical event” (Ann. Neurol. 2005;58:840-6). “The revised MRI criteria for dissemination in space are three of the following: (1) one or more gadolinium-enhancing lesions or nine T2 hyperintense lesions; (2) one or more infratentorial lesions; (3) one or more juxtacortical lesions; or (4) three or more periventricular lesions.”

The patient was started on a high dose of intravenous steroids (1,000 mg/day methylprednisolone) for 5 days, followed by tapering does of oral prednisone. His neurologic symptoms were completely resolved at the follow-up visit 15 days later. He had no neurologic symptoms at a subsequent visit at 2 months. Three months later he was seen in the ED for cervical strain and urticaria, but at that time he was not having any neurologic symptoms.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.











CT显示左额叶、双侧侧脑室旁及左侧半卵圆中心区域斑片状低密度灶,没有急性脑梗死迹象。放射科医师认为有血管炎的可能,故建议神经内科完善头MRI检查以除外血管炎。经过美国宾夕法尼亚州约翰斯敦市Conemaugh纪念医院神经内科Victor Jaramillo教授及Ninad Parekh住院医师会诊后,考虑到该患者病史及体检支持上运动神经元病变、脱髓鞘病变可能性大。同时两位医师也建议做头MRI检查以更好地明确病灶情况。






根据修改后的McDonald诊断标准,修改后对时间的多发性MRI标准定义为出现第一次临床症状或任何时间出现新的T2病灶至少3个月后发现有增强病灶,而既往规定出现第一次临床症状后至少30天后做比较扫描Ann Neurol. 2005,58:840-6)。修改后对空间的多发性MRI标准定义为符合下面各项中的3项:(1)一个或多个增强病灶或9T2高信号;(2)一个或多个幕下病灶;(3)一个或多个近皮层病灶;(4)3个或更多侧脑室周围病灶。






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神经病学, 急诊医学

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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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