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Radiofrequency Ablation Averts Progression in Unresectable Colorectal Liver Mets

2009-04-02 【发表评论】
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PHOENIX (EGMN) – Adding radiofrequency ablation to the FOLFOX chemotherapy regimen improved progression-free survival rates among patients with unresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer, Dutch investigators reported.

The progression-free survival rate at 1 year was 60% in patients treated with the radiofrequency ablation plus FOLFOX combination, compared with 39% in patients who received only FOLFOX chemotherapy. Median progression-free survival was 7 months longer in the patients who were treated with the combination, according to an interim analysis of a phase II study.

The primary end point of overall survival at 30 months has not been reached, Dr. Theo Ruers of the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam reported at a symposium sponsored by the Society of Surgical Oncology.

“Radiofrequency is increasingly used for the treatment of unresectable colorectal [metastases] confined to the liver,” Dr. Ruers said. “However, no prospective randomized studies are available proving the efficacy of this approach, and chemotherapy should, at this stage, still be considered the standard of care for these patients.”

The aim of the randomized, phase II CLOCC trial (Chemotherapy and Bevacizumab With or Without Radiofrequency Ablation in Treating Unresectable Metastases in Patients With Colorectal Cancer) is to assess the safety and efficacy of radiofrequency ablation in combination with chemotherapy in this patient population.

In all, 119 patients with unresectable colorectal cancer metastases to the liver only were randomly assigned to undergo either radiofrequency ablation of metastatic lesions plus chemotherapy with or without additional resection, or to chemotherapy alone with patients having a good response going on to resection.

The study protocol called for the enrollment of 152 patients, but accrual was halted at 119 in June 2007 because of lower-than-expected enrollment. “This has to do with the fact that a lot of hospitals actually felt that radiofrequency plus chemotherapy probably had an advantage over chemotherapy alone, and so their willingness to randomize was reduced. So we closed the study early,” Dr. Ruers said.

Patients were eligible if they were aged 18-80 years with WHO/ECOG status 0-1, had liver metastases with no possibility for complete surgical resection of all lesions, and had fewer than 10 metastatic deposits. The maximum diameter of lesions that could be treated by radiofrequency ablation was 4 cm. In addition, patients had to be free of extrahepatic disease. Patients who previously received chemotherapy were eligible if they had had a response of stable disease or better.

Patients in both study arms received chemotherapy for 6 months; patients in the combination arm had radiofrequency ablation of lesions prior to the start of chemotherapy.

Patients who were enrolled in 2002-2005 received FOLFOX4 chemotherapy; patients enrolled in 2006 and 2007 received FOLFOX4 plus bevacizumab. The FOLFOX4 regimen is a combination of oxaliplatin, leucovorin, and 5-fluorouracil.

In all, 60 patients were randomized to the radiofrequency/FOLFOX4 group, and 59 to the FOLFOX4 alone group (median ages, 64 and 61 years, respectively). The median number of metastatic deposits was four in the combination group and five in the chemotherapy-only group. There were no significant between-group differences.

Six patients in the combination group underwent radiofrequency ablation alone, either because of disease progression or because of complications following ablation that prevented them from receiving further chemotherapy. An additional three patients who were randomized to this group were not included in the analysis, one because of treatment refusal, one for whom treatment data were not transmitted to investigators, and one for previously undetected metastasis to bone at baseline.

The median number of chemotherapy cycles was 8.5 in the combination group and 10 in the chemo-only group. Toxicities from chemotherapy were similar between the groups, with ablation adding no significant additional toxicities. “So we could conclude at this stage that radiofrequency plus chemotherapy is safe, and that at least these patients could receive the intended courses of chemotherapy,” Dr. Ruers said.

Six patients (10%) who received chemotherapy alone had downstaging of disease, which allowed for adequate surgical resection. Among the patients who were randomized to radiofrequency ablation plus chemotherapy, 30 received ablation alone and 27 were later resected.

The radiofrequency energy was delivered laparotomically in 51 patients, laparoscopically in 1, percutaneously in 4, and via an unrecorded method in 1. The investigators overwhelmingly chose laparotomy for the ablation because they believe that percutaneous delivery of radiofrequency energy is less reliable, Dr. Ruers said.

Postoperative complications occurred in about one-third of patients in the radiofrequency group. Most complications were minor, but there was one death, in a patient who had undergone both radiofrequency ablation and resection.

In response to a question about the overall efficacy of the radiofrequency ablations, Dr. Ruers noted that of the 170 lesions treated, only 11 (6.5%) recurred. “What this study shows you is that in patients with unresectable liver [metastases], it’s worthwhile to clear the liver of all these lesions, because these patients do better than if they’re only treated with chemotherapy,” he said.

Dr. Ruers said that he had no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



 “目前试验还未到达总存活期为30个月这一主要终点。”阿姆斯特丹市荷兰癌症研究所Theo Ruers博士在肿瘤外科学会的一个专题讨论会上指出。


该随机II期临床CLOCC (化疗和贝伐单抗联合或不联合射频消融术治疗结直肠癌转移的患者) 试验旨在评估射频消融术联合化疗治疗此类患者群的安全性和有效性。



患者入选的条件如下:年龄18岁~80岁;符合WHO/ECOG 0~1 体质状况;已有肝转移;不可能利用手术完全切除所有病灶;转移灶少于10个;病灶小于4cm(射频消融可治疗的最大直径);无肝外转移病灶。之前接受过化疗且疗效评价为病情稳定或更好者可以入选。



总共有60例随机分到射频消融联合FOLFOX4治疗组, 59例分到单纯FOLFOX4治疗组(中位年龄分别为64岁和61岁)。联合组转移病灶中位数为4个,单纯化疗组为5个。无显著群体差异。


联合组和化疗组化疗周期中位数分别为8.5个和10个。两组间的化疗毒副反应类似,射频消融术并没有其他显著的毒性反应。“因此到目前为止,我们可以得出射频联合化疗安全的结论,至少在这些患者可以接受预期的化疗方案。” Ruers博士说。

化疗组有 6例患者(10%)因疾病分期降低而进行了适当的切除手术。随机分在射频消融术联合化疗组的患者中,有30例仅施行消融术,另外27例还施行了切除手术。

通过开腹手术行射频消融术者 51例、通过腹腔镜的1例、经皮的4例,还有1例未能记录到术式。“多数研究人员之所以选择经开腹行射频消融术,是因为他们认为经皮传送射频能量不太可靠。”Ruers博士说。




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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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