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Novel Molecular Blood Test for Prostate, Other Cancer Diagnoses on Horizon

2010-07-27 【发表评论】
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PARIS (EGMN) – An assay that measures the number of exosomes in the blood may provide a novel means of diagnosing prostate and other cancers in the near future while avoiding the need for repeated biopsies.

Validation of the Carisome platform in more than 900 clinically relevant plasma samples showed that the test had an overall accuracy of 85% to detect prostate cancer. The test is in the late stages of validation, and Caris Life Sciences Inc. hopes to offer the test to U.S. urologists later this year, with availability to European-based urologists shortly thereafter.

“Essentially, the meaning of this is that if you are diagnosed with high or accelerating [prostate specific antigen], this avoids or delays the next step of biopsy, which is painful or very unpleasant. This test should allow the detection of and differentiation between real cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy” said Dr. Jonathan Knowles, explaining how the test works to attendees at the Worldwide Innovative Networking in Personalized Cancer Medicine Symposium.

“All cells have three main ways in which they communicate,” said Dr. Knowles, chief scientific officer of Caris. “They send out hormones, such as estrogen, or other small molecules, such as acetylcholine, or interleukin-6. They communicate via cell-to-cell contact. And they send out exosomes.”

Exosomes are released from various cell types, and are found under both normal and pathological conditions, including cancer, he continued. “They are constructed in the endoplasmic reticulum, and they are specifically used by cells to communicate with other cells,” said Dr. Knowles, who is also a professor of translational medicine at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) and holds a distinguished professorship in personalized health care at the Finnish Institute for Molecular Medicine in Helsinki.

He noted that exosomes are involved in the process whereby antigens are presented by dendritic cells to other cells in the immune system, and that they contain both micro and messenger RNA and are possibly used by cancer cells to “reprogram” other cells.

The Carisome platform is able to detect the almost 10-fold excess levels of exosomes in the plasma of patients with prostate cancer, compared with controls, and it has been shown to have 85% sensitivity and 86% specificity, based on 933 samples.

“From about 0.5 mL of blood, this particular assay can detect tumors of around 1 cm in size.” Dr. Knowles said, adding that early indications suggest that variations of the test will be of value in the detection of other tumor types, such as colorectal, breast, lung, and ovarian cancers.

“Not only can you say that somebody’s got cancer; you can also say what kind of cancer they have got,” he said.

Although the price of the test is still to be determined, Caris hopes to introduce the Carisome platform in the United States as a CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) lab-developed test. In parallel, the company is preparing to submit the test for U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency approval. The first test will be for prostate cancer, with assays for other tumor types to follow.

The imminent availability of the test raises questions about its usefulness and the review process for diagnostic tests, according to Dr. Richard L. Schilsky, a professor of medicine and chief of hematology/oncology at the University of Chicago.

“If this is a CLIA laboratory test, then this would mean that any approved hospital laboratory in the United States could decide to offer the test, and any physician could order it, even though the test may not necessarily be proven to be useful for clinical decision making,” he said in an interview.

Dr. Schilsky, a former president of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and one of the scientific cochairs of the WIN (Worldwide Innovative Networking in Personalized Cancer Medicine) Consortium, noted that a prepared assay kit would need to go through FDA review. But he observed that this would focus primarily on the analytical and clinical validity of the test (“Can the test perform in a way that it can distinguish between different groups of individuals?”) rather than on its clinical utility (that is, “knowing that the test results can actually inform clinical decisions and result in better patient outcomes”).

“This is a situation where regulatory approaches are becoming more stringent, and clinicians are becoming increasingly confused. There are many different tests available, and many doctors are really unclear about what the test is good for, whether or not they should order it, and how they should interpret the results, because in many cases there are not sufficient clinical data to back up the test,” he said.

Dr. Knowles is vice chair and chief scientific officer of Caris Life Sciences, the developer of the Carisome platform.

Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


研究者在超过900份临床相关血浆样本中对Carisome平台(Carisome platform)进行了验证试验,结果表明,该试验用于检测前列腺癌的总准确度达到85%。对该试验所进行的验证已经进入后期阶段,Caris生命科学公司希望在今年晚些时候向美国的泌尿科医师提供该检测方案,在此后不久,该公司还将向以欧洲地区为主的泌尿科医师提供该检测方案。


Jonathan Knowles 博士在肿瘤个体化医疗高峰论坛(Personalized Cancer Medicine Symposium)之全球化创新网络(WIN)上向与会者解释该检测的工作原理时说:从本质上来讲,接受该检测的意义在于,如果你被诊断出体内前列腺特异性抗原的浓度过高或正不断增高,那么接受该检测可以使你避免或延缓接踵而至的组织活检,组织活检是一种令人痛苦或极其不快的检查。该检测应该有能力检测并区分真正的癌症和良性前列腺增生


Caris 公司的首席科学官Knowles博士说:所有细胞均采用如下3种主要方式进行信息传递,它们可以对外分泌激素(如雌激素)或其他小分子物质(如乙酰胆碱或白细胞介素-6)。它们还可以通过细胞-细胞间的直接接触来传递信息。此外它们还可以通过分泌胞外体来介导这一过程


他继续道,多种不同类型的细胞均可释放胞外体,其在生理或病理状况(包括癌症)下均可检出。Knowles 博士说:细胞通过内质网合成胞外体,并将其特异性用于介导与其他细胞间的信息传递Knowles 博士同时还兼任瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院转化医学系教授,且其还是芬兰赫尔辛基分子医学研究个性化医疗保健方向的知名教授。






Knowles博士说:这一特定检测方法只需0.5 ml血液就能检出大约1 cm大小的肿瘤,他补充说,早期迹象表明,在对该检测方案进行调整后,其在用于其他类型肿瘤(譬如结肠癌、乳腺癌和卵巢癌) 的检测时也具备价值。






芝加哥大学血液肿瘤学系主任兼教授Richard L. Schilsky博士说,该检测方案即将迅速投入使用引发了种种质疑:该检测是否具备实用性?针对诊断性检测的审查过程是否严谨?










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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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