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U.K. Drug Experts Wanted GSK's Avandia Withdrawn In July, But EU Processes Intervened

2010-09-09 【发表评论】
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U.K. drug experts called for GlaxoSmithKline's diabetes therapy Avandia (rosiglitazone) to be withdrawn two months ago because of side effects, a British Medical Journal article published online Sept. 6 has revealed.


However, the lack of transparency in the European Union regulatory process prevented public access to the views of the Commission on Human Medicines, the U.K.'s top medicines advisory body, the article claims.


In a statement, the U.K. regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory products Agency, which takes advice from the CHM, confirmed the accuracy of the claims but indicated that it could not take action straight away because its hands were tied by European regulations.


"The CHM advised in July 2010 that the risks of rosiglitazone outweigh its benefits and that it no longer has a place on the U.K. market," the MHRA said. But this advice had to be reviewed by other European regulators.


"Rosiglitazone is licensed on a Europe-wide basis by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), not directly by the MHRA ... it has therefore been necessary to review the balance of risks and benefits of this medicine throughout Europe, in response to emerging evidence," the MHRA explained.


The MHRA said that it would use the CHM advice "to robustly put forward the U.K.'s position in Europe."


On July 26, the MHRA sent out a "dear doctor" letter to all U.K. healthcare professionals, which advised that they should closely observe the current contraindications, warnings and precautions and monitoring requirements for rosiglitazone, and should consider alternative treatments where appropriate. But there is no mention of the CHM's views.


The revelations have caused a furor in the U.K, which is only expected to increase after the airing of a BBC TV "Panoroma" programme entitled "A Risk Worth Taking?" on the evening of Sept. 6 that discusses the controversy surrounding Avandia.


EMA Moves Avandia Discussion Forward


And in a surprise move announced on Sept. 3, the EMA revealed that it was holding an extraordinary meeting of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) on Wednesday, Sept. 8, to discuss the risks and benefits of Avandia. Previously, the CHMP said that it would discuss Avandia at its scheduled meeting on September 20-23 ('The Pink Sheet' DAILY, July 27, 2010).


"Because of the complexity of the data being assessed, the committee is holding this additional meeting outside of its usual monthly schedule," EMA said. However, a decision is not expected until its scheduled meeting at the end of September, the agency added.


The CHMP advises the European Commission on the licensing or withdrawal of drugs, and its advice is usually followed by the commission, and applied across Europe. However, all CHMP meetings are held in private, and no minutes are publicly released - the outcomes of discussions are disseminated via statements on its website.


GSK: Nothing To Hide


In a further twist, GSK has put an audio tape recording on its website of a meeting between Avandia critic Steven Nissen from the Cleveland Clinic and four GSK medical and clinical experts, held in May 2007. The recording was subpoenaed from Nissen by GSK, which alleges that Nissen made the tape covertly.


The BMJ article contrasts the non-transparent approach of European regulators with the more open attitude of those in the U.S. It notes that the U.S. FDA's advisory panel meeting on Avandia in July was held in front of a packed audience, including the world's media ('The Pink Sheet' DAILY, July 14, 2010), and the results of the FDA's deliberations on the matter were expected shortly.


GSK said it understood the Panorama programme would feature the recording, and Panorama pre-publicity materials suggested that it was a "secret tape the drug company would rather you didn't hear." The company has therefore subpoenaed the tape and put it on its website, "so that all interested parties can hear all the comments made at this meeting in their full context."

《英国医学杂志》(BMJ)96在线发表的一篇文章披露, 英国药品专家曾在2个月前就呼呼,鉴于葛兰素史克(GSK)公司生产的降糖药文迪雅(Avandia,罗格列酮)的副作用,应尽快令其撤市。














此事一经披露,便在英国掀起了一场轩然大波,96日晚BBC TV Panoroma”栏目一期名为“值得这样冒险吗?”的节目对围绕文迪雅事件的各方争论进行了讨论,估计节目播出以后这个事件还会再次升级。




93日,EMA出乎意料地宣布,将于周三也就是98召开人用医疗产品委员会(CHMP)特别会议,讨论文迪雅的利弊问题。之前,CHMP曾表示原计划是在920~23日开会讨论文迪雅的问题('The Pink Sheet' DAILY, July 27, 2010)








令事情更加曲折的是,GSK在其官网上公布了一份录音带,这份录音带记录了20075月文迪雅的反对者美国克利夫兰诊所的Steven Nissen医生与4GSK医学和临床专家之间展开的一次讨论。GSK声称Nissen是在背地里录下了这段录音,因此要求Nissen交出这份录音带。




这篇BMJ文章将欧盟监管机构的不透明程序与美国所持的更加公开的态度进行了对比。文章指出,美国FDA针对文迪雅事件于今年7月召开的顾问专家小组会议是当着满屋子的听众召开的,其中包括来自全球各地的媒体('The Pink Sheet' DAILY, July 14, 2010),而且FDA对此事的审议结果很快就会公布。

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