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Appropriate BMI levels for PCOS patients in Southern China
Chen X, Ni R, Mo Y, Li L, Yang D  2010/5/17 17:18:00 
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Human Reproduction, 2010, Volume 25, Issue 5 

BACKGROUND: This study was designed to establish appropriate body mass index (BMI) level for PCOS women and to compare metabolic abnormalities between PCOS women and control women in Southern China. METHODSThis clinical cross-sectional study included 999 PCOS patients (857 adults and 142 adolescents) and 922 age-matched controls (742 adults and 180 adolescents).RESULTS:The proportion of PCOS patients with a BMI above 23 kg/m2 was 34.63. Serum insulin, triglycerides, waist and waist/hip (W/H) measurements were all correlated positively with BMI in PCOS women. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Chinese PCOS patients was 18.9. Receiver-operating characteristic analysis suggested that at the point of BMI ≥23 kg/m2, the diagnostic power to detect metabolic disorders was at its best.CONCLUSIONSPCOS patients with a BMI of 23 kg/m2 or beyond may have a higher risk of metabolic disorders. Using an appropriate BMI level may help to improve attention to metabolic disorders among PCOS patients in Southern China. © 2010 The Author.

Correspondence Address: Yang, D.; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Yanjiang Road, Guangzhou 510120, Guangdong, China; email:yangdz@mail.sysu.edu.cn 


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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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