

ACG Clinical Guideline: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Patterns of Presentation, Diagnosis, and Management of Colon Ischemia
2015-01-15 09:18 点击次数:1210发表评论

Colon Ischemia(CI) is the condition that results when blood fl ow to the colon is reduced to a level insuffi cient to maintain cellular metabolic function. Th e end result of this process is that colonocytes become acidotic, dysfunctional, lose their integrity and, ultimately, die. Although the etymologic root of the word ischemia is from the Greek iskhaimos , meaning a “stopping of the blood,” we now know that blood fl ow need not stop but only diminish signifi cantly to cause ischemic damage. Moreover, ischemia may be followed by reperfusion injury and, for relatively brief periods of ischemia, this combined injury may produce more damage than just reduction of blood fl ow without reperfusion. Th e degree to which colonic blood fl ow must diminish before ischemia results varies with the acuteness of the event, the degree of preexisting vascular collateralization, and the length of time the low fl ow state persists. 

学科代码:消化病学   关键词:缺血性肠病 ,指南 爱思唯尔医学网, Elsevierme