
Pre-training evaluation and feedback improved skills retention of basic life support in medical students
作者:Li, Q., Zhou, R.-H., Liu, J. , Lin, J., Ma, E.-L., Liang, P., Shi, T.-W., Fang, L.-Q., Xiao, H.
机构: 四川大学华西医院麻醉科
期刊: Resuscitation2013年9月9期84卷



Background: Pre-training evaluation and feedback have been shown to improve medical students' skills acquisition of basic life support (BLS) immediately following training. The impact of such training on BLS skills retention is unknown. This study was conducted to investigate effects of pre-training evaluation and feedback on BLS skills retention in medical students. Methods: Three hundred and thirty 3rd year medical students were randomized to two groups, the control group (C group) and pre-training evaluation and feedback group (EF group). Each group was subdivided into four subgroups according to the time of retention-test (at 1-, 3-, 6-, 12-month following the initial training). After a 45-min BLS lecture, BLS skills were assessed (pre-training evaluation) in both groups before training. Following this, the C group received 45. min training. 15. min of group feedback corresponding to students' performance in pre-training evaluation was given only in the EF group that was followed by 30. min of BLS training. BLS skills were assessed immediately after training (post-test) and at follow up (retention-test). Results: No skills difference was observed between the two groups in pre-training evaluation. Better skills acquisition was observed in the EF group (85.3. ±. 7.3 vs. 68.1. ±. 12.2 in C group) at post-test (p<. 0.001). In all retention-test, better skills retention was observed in each EF subgroup, compared with its paired C subgroup. Conclusions: Pre-training evaluation and feedback improved skills retention in the EF group for 12 months after the initial training, compared with the control group.

通讯作者:Liu, J.; Department of Anesthesiology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China; email:scujinliu@gmail.com
学科代码:急诊医学   关键词:Basic life support; Feedback;
来源: Scopus
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