

Transradial PCI in women appears safe, feasible
来源:爱思唯尔 2013-11-04 11:51点击次数:493发表评论


杜克大学的Sunil V. Rao医生在经导管心血管治疗(TCT)年会上报告称,在345例接受经桡动脉PCI和345例接受经股动脉PCI的女性患者中,分别有1.2%和2.9%在72 h内或出院时存在出血或血管并发症。

虽然针对实际接受了PCI 的患者的预设分析并未显示出统计学显著性差异,但在针对整个队列的分析中,随机分至桡动脉入路者的出血和血管并发症发生率显著低于股动脉入路组患者,无论她们接受的是PCI还是仅接受诊断性心导管术。桡动脉入路组和股动脉入路组的出血和血管并发症发生率分别为0.6%和1.7%。

Sunil V. Rao医生




桡动脉入路组的出血减少与既往研究结果相似。桡动脉入路组患者交叉到股动脉入路组的比例也与既往研究结果相似:2011年《柳叶刀》杂志发表的一项研究报告交叉率为7.6%(Lancet 2011;377:1409-20)。



在讨论中,西奈山医学院心血管介入研究所主任Roxana Mehran医生表示,上述结果可被看作一个装了半杯水的玻璃杯。Mehran医生曾在SAFE-PCI试验执行委员会中任职。



Rao医生是Medicines Co.和阿斯利康的顾问,Medicines Co.曾帮助该试验获得资金。Mehran医生报告称与这两家公司及雅培血管、第一三共/礼来有利益关系,后者也资助了本项试验。




Alice K. Jacobs医生


评论专家Alice K. Jacobs医生是波士顿大学心导管室和介入心脏病学主任。她在新闻发布会上作出了上述评论。Jacobs医生报告称无相关利益冲突。

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By: SHERRY BOSCHERT, Cardiology News Digital Network

SAN FRANCISCO – Rates of bleeding or vascular complications in women undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention were 59% lower using radial access, compared with femoral access, a difference that did not reach statistical significance in a randomized study of 1,787 patients.

Bleeding or vascular complications within 72 hours or at hospital discharge were seen in 1.2% of 345 women who had transradial percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and 2.9% of 345 women who had transfemoral PCI, Dr. Sunil V. Rao reported at the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics annual meeting.

Although that difference was not statistically significant in this prespecified analysis of patients who actually underwent PCI, the rate of bleeding and vascular complications was significantly lower for the group randomized to radial access in an analysis of the whole cohort, regardless of whether they had PCI or just diagnostic catheterization.

Bleeding and vascular complication rates were 0.6% in those randomized to radial access and 1.7% in those randomized to femoral access,
In both the PCI cohort and the total cohort, significantly more women in the radial group needed to cross over to femoral access for PCI compared with the crossover rate in the femoral group. In the PCI cohort, 6.1% of the radial group crossed over, as did 1.7% of the femoral group.

In the total cohort, crossover was needed in 6.7% of the radial group and 1.9% of the femoral group, said Dr. Rao of Duke University, Durham, N.C. The main reason for crossover from radial to femoral access was radial artery spasm, in 43% of cases.

The Study of Access Site for Enhancement of PCI for Women (SAFE-PCI) leveraged data from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry’s CathPCI Registry from 60 institutions on adult women undergoing elective or urgent PCI or undergoing diagnostic angiography to evaluate ischemic symptoms with the possibility of PCI.

The primary outcome measure was Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC) type 2, 3, or 5 bleeding events and vascular complications requiring intervention.

The investigators had planned to randomize 3,000 women to obtain 1,800 who underwent PCI, but a routine review after randomizing 1,120 patients suggested that the trial would be too small to show a difference because of lower-than-expected bleeding rates.

Because no harm was noted in either the radial or femoral group, the investigators continued until they had enough patients for a quality-of-life substudy, then prematurely discontinued the trial.

The reduction in bleeding with the radial approach was similar to reductions seen in previous studies, Dr. Rao said at the meeting, cosponsored by the American College of Cardiology.

The conversion rate from radial to femoral access was similar to the 7.6% rate reported in a prior trial (Lancet 2011;377:1409-20).

Compared with men, women have an increased risk for bleeding from antithrombotic therapy and from femoral access for PCI. Radial access can decrease bleeding risk, but transradial PCI has been less common in women, in part because they have smaller radial arteries.

The current trial’s results suggest that "an initial strategy of radial access is reasonable and may be preferred by some operators for women undergoing cardiac catheterization or PCI, with the recognition that a proportion of patients will require conversion to femoral access," he said.

Women preferred the radial approach over femoral access in the study, he added.

The results could be looked at as a glass half empty or half full, Dr. Roxana Mehran said as the discussant of the study at the meeting. She served on the executive committee of the SAFE-PCI trial.

In the eyes of a purist statistician, the results show no significant evidence that radial access prevents bleeding or vascular complications, the primary endpoint, said Dr. Mehran, professor of medicine and director of interventional cardiovascular research at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York.

From a clinician’s viewpoint, however, the estimates of benefit from radial access in the overall cohort and the PCI cohort were similar, yielding approximately a 60% reduction in bleeding with radial access, she noted. "The study provides evidence, albeit not conclusive, for greater efficacy with radial access in women," she said.

The crossover rates suggest that for every bleeding event or vascular complication prevented in the radial access group, three patients would cross over. "While there’s a higher crossover from [the] radial to the femoral approach, it’s reasonable and intuitive to begin with the radial approach in women," she said, "especially in those women at high risk for bleeding."

Dr. Rao has been a consultant for the Medicines Co., which helped fund the trial, and for AstraZeneca. Dr. Mehran reported financial associations with these companies and with Abbott Vascular and Daiichi-Sankyo/Eli Lilly & Co., which also funded the trial.

Other funders of the study included Terumo Medical, Medtronic, ACIST Medical Systems, and Guerbet. Dr. Mehran also reported financial associations with nine other medical companies.

View on the News
Promising, not proven

I don’t think we have the data to say that this is a positive study or that we should change our practice because of these results. It’s an incomplete study, so we really don’t have the data. We need to think about why we didn’t have the anticipated enrollment and why the bleeding rate was lower than expected in the femoral access group.

Those are the things that I think led to the futility. But it’s not really a negative trial. We simply don’t know whether radial access will be better in high-risk women undergoing PCI. It’s promising, and it makes all the sense in the world because of the bleeding risk in women.

Alice K. Jacobs, M.D., is a professor of medicine and director of the cardiac catheterization laboratory and interventional cardiology at Boston University. She gave these remarks at a press briefing. Dr. Jacobs reported having no relevant financial disclosures.

学科代码:心血管病学   关键词:经导管心血管治疗(TCT)年会 经皮冠状动脉介入 女性患者 桡动脉入路
来源: 爱思唯尔
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