

Urinary symptoms often unaddressed in MS
来源:EGMN 2013-07-17 16:34点击次数:268发表评论





这项调查由爱力根公司资助,报告者为加州爱力根公司的Kristin M. Khalaf博士。

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By: BRUCE JANCIN, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

ORLANDO – Lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis are common, bothersome, and often undiscussed and untreated, according to a national patient survey.

The online survey was completed by a convenience sample of 1,052 MS patients recruited through the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and other patient advocacy organizations. Fully 88% of the respondents indicated they have lower urinary tract symptoms involving bladder dysfunction and urinary incontinence. The source of these common symptoms in patients with MS is increased contractile activity of the bladder’s detrusor muscle.

The most common lower urinary tract symptom reported by survey respondents was terminal dribble upon voiding, which affected 65% of patients. The next most common symptoms were urinary urgency, experienced by 62%, and incomplete emptying, cited by 61%, Kristin M. Khalaf, Pharm.D., reported at the fifth Cooperative Meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers and the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis.

Fifty-three percent of patients reported having urgency urinary incontinence, and 45% complained of stress urinary incontinence.

The lower urinary tract symptom that patients found most bothersome was urgency; indeed, one-third of the overall study population indicated they were bothered "quite a bit" or "a great deal" by this problem. Twenty-nine percent of respondents stated they were bothered at least quite a bit by urgency incontinence, added Dr. Khalaf of Allergan, Irvine, Calif.

Only one-third of the 922 MS patients with lower urinary tract symptoms had discussed their symptoms with a health care provider during the past year. When they did speak with a professional, 74% of the time it was with their neurologist. Fifty-two percent spoke to their primary care physician about their problem within the last year.

Among the 42% of survey respondents who indicated they were bothered at least quite a bit by urinary incontinence, 46% hadn’t discussed the problem with a health care provider within the past year, and 35% had never received any form of treatment for it.

Among patients who had ever discussed their lower urinary tract symptoms with a physician or other health care professional, 38% reported currently treating their problem via pelvic exercises or bladder training, 23% were using an oral anticholinergic agent, 4% were taking herbal medicines for their symptoms, 3% were receiving botulinum toxin type A (onabotulinumtoxinA) injections, and 2% had a neural stimulation device.

Most patients currently receiving treatment for their lower urinary tract symptoms pronounced themselves very or somewhat satisfied with their therapy.

The survey was funded by Allergan.

学科代码:神经病学 泌尿外科学   关键词:多发性硬化症中心联盟与美国多发性硬化症治疗与研究委员会 多发性硬化症 下泌尿道症状
来源: EGMN
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