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Hyperoxia From Supplemental Oxygen After Resuscitation Raised Mortality

By Mary Ann Moon 2010-06-01 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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Highly concentrated supplemental oxygen given after cardiac arrest often led to arterial hyperoxia, which in turn raised the risk of in-hospital mortality, according to an observational study in the June 2 issue of JAMA.

Ironically, mortality rates after exposure to too much oxygen were greater than mortality rates after oxygen deprivation – the very indication for which supplemental oxygen is given, said Dr. J. Hope Kilgannon of the department of emergency medicine at Cooper University Hospital, Camden, N.J., and her associates (JAMA 2010;303:2165-71).

“This is the first large multicenter study documenting the association between [post-resuscitation] hyperoxia and poor clinical outcome,” the researchers noted. “These data support the hypothesis that high oxygen delivery in the post–cardiac arrest setting may have adverse effects.”

Current American Hospital Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation advocate the use of 100% oxygen to maximize the chance of restoring spontaneous circulation. “However, after circulation is successfully restored, clinicians frequently maintain [supplemental oxygen] for variable periods,” the investigators said.

Controversy has arisen recently regarding that routine practice, because it is feared that too much oxygen may trigger neuronal injury and apoptosis. However, there has been a lack of clinical data on the issue, they added.

Dr. Kilgannon and her colleagues used data from a network of adult intensive-care units across the United States to study the question. The database included medical, surgical, and multidisciplinary ICUs from a variety of community, academic, private, public, urban, suburban, and rural hospitals.

They assessed 6,326 adults who received CPR after nontraumatic cardiac arrest and were admitted to a participating ICU in 2001-2005. Hyperoxia was defined as an arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) of 300 mm Hg or greater on the first arterial blood gas obtained on admission.

Hyperoxia was common, affecting 18% of patients. Approximately half of those patients had a PaO2 of 400 mm Hg or greater.

Most patients (63%) developed hypoxia, defined as a PaO2 of less than 60 mm Hg, and the remaining 19% maintained normal blood oxygen levels.

In-hospital mortality was greatest in the group with hyperoxia, at 63%, compared with 57% in the hypoxia group and 45% in the normoxia group, Dr. Kilgannon and her associates said. A further analysis of the data revealed that hyperoxia was an independent and strong predictor of in-hospital death (732 of 1,156 patients).

Moreover, patients with hyperoxia who survived to hospital discharge were significantly more likely to have poor functional outcomes (38%) than those with normoxia (29%).

“Analogous to the concept that hyperoxia exposure may be associated with harm in the resuscitation of neonates, the ongoing oxidant stress with hyperoxic reperfusion may be capable of worsening anoxic brain injury in adult patients with post-cardiac arrest syndrome,” the researchers said.

The observational study could not determine causality, but its findings “provide scientific rationale for clinical trials of controlled reoxygenation during the postresuscitation period,” they added.

The true incidence of hyperoxia is probably much higher than 18%, given that the investigators used “a rather conservative definition” of the disorder, noted Dr. Patrick M. Kochanek and Dr. Hülya Bayir of the University of Pittsburgh in an editorial comment accompanying the report.

They concurred that a large clinical trial of the issue is warranted to resolve whether clinicians should be more meticulous about titrating oxygenation after cardiac arrest, “and whether an alarm threshold should be set for arterial saturation ... after return of spontaneous circulation” (JAMA 2010;303:2190-1).

In addition, “unconventional resuscitation strategies that [have been] considered but heretofore unproven (such as intermittent, controlled, or even delayed reperfusion)” are now being investigated, they said.

The study was supported by the Emergency Medicine Foundation, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Dr. Kilgannon had no financial disclosures. One of Dr. Kilgannon’s associates reported receiving support from Ikaria Inc. and Spectral Diagnostics Inc. Dr. Kochanek and Dr. Bayir were supported by the U.S. Army and the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Kochanek reported being a co–patent holder on Emergency, Preservation, and Resuscitation.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



新泽西州卡姆登市库柏大学医院急诊科的J. Hope Kilgannon博士及其同事表示缺氧是吸氧的适应证,但具有讽刺意味的是吸氧过多后的病死率高于缺氧后的病死率(JAMA 2010;303:2165-71)






最近这一常规做法引起了争议因为有人担心吸氧过多可触发神经元损伤和凋亡。 但他们补充说,这方面的临床数据一直较为缺乏。




他们对2001~2005年间6,326例在非创伤性心脏骤停后接受CPRICU住院成人患者进行了评价。高氧定义为入院时首次动脉血气分析所测得的动脉血氧分压(PaO2)≥300 mmHg


高氧较为常见见于18%的患者。约半数患者的PaO2≥400 mm Hg


大部分患者(63%)出现缺氧(定义为PaO2低于60 mm Hg),其余19%患者的血氧水平维持正常。


Kilgannon博士及其同事表示院内病死率在高氧组中最高(63%)其次为缺氧组(57%)和正常血氧组(45%)。进一步分析数据发现,高氧是院内死亡(732 /1,156)的独立强烈预测因子。








匹兹堡大学的Patrick M. Kochanek博士和Hülya Bayir博士在随刊编者按中对该研究评论道鉴于研究者对高氧采用的是更为保守的定义高氧的真正发生率可能比18%要高得多。


他们一致认为,需开展大规模临床试验,以探讨临床医生是否应实施更为严谨的心脏骤停后吸氧措施,以及是否应为自主循环恢复后的动脉血氧饱和度设定警戒阈值” (JAMA 2010;303:2190-1)






Kilgannon博士声明无任何经济利益关系。Kilgannon博士的一位同事声明获得Ikaria公司和Spectral Diagnostics公司的支持。Kochanek博士和Bayir博士声明获得美国陆军和国立卫生研究所的支持。Kochanek博士声明是紧急保护与复苏方法的共同专利持有者。


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患者为老年男性,66岁,因发现血糖升高20余年,气急、咳嗽、咳痰半年,加重1020093月入院。患者发现血糖升高20年。20086月出现头晕伴恶心、呕吐,在外院查头颅CT右侧基底节、放射冠腔梗灶;右侧颞叶缺血梗死,住院期间反复查血钠125 mmol/L。后咳嗽、咳白色黏痰、恶心、呕吐等症状反复发作。近10天出现气急、咳嗽,痰少,床上轻度活动气急加重。既往高血压病史20余年。1999年外院头颅CT垂体瘤 ,未行诊治,自诉半年后复查垂体瘤消失。父亲有高血压病史,母亲有糖尿病史。


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