

Evaluation and Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
来源:Clinicalkey 2013-08-13 11:06 点击次数:436发表评论

It is estimated that 1.1 million people sustain a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) each year in the United States.[1] MTBI is a common cause for presentation to the emergency department (ED) and for admission to trauma centers. Despite this, the optimal management of MTBI is unclear, and its natural history remains poorly characterized. The acquisition of high-quality data has been impaired by a variety of factors. Patients may present in an acute or delayed fashion and are seen in widely varying practice settings, such as trauma centers, nontrauma hospital EDs, urgent care clinics, and primary care offices. Patients often present with a constellation of symptoms that are difficult to quantify and that are not specific to MTBI. Follow-up rates may be low, especially for patients with minimal symptoms. This in turn may cause studies to include a nonrepresentative sample of patients with MTBI.

学科代码:神经外科学   关键词:轻型颅脑损伤 诊断 治疗