
Cell segmentation in phase contrast microscopy images via semi-supervised classification over optics-related features
作者:Su, H.,Yin, Z.,Huh, S.,Kanade, T.
机构: 上海交通大学电子工程系
期刊: Med Image Anal2013年10月7期17卷

Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China


Phase-contrast microscopy is one of the most common and convenient imaging modalities to observe long-term multi-cellular processes, which generates images by the interference of lights passing through transparent specimens and background medium with different retarded phases. Despite many years of study, computer-aided phase contrast microscopy analysis on cell behavior is challenged by image qualities and artifacts caused by phase contrast optics. Addressing the unsolved challenges, the authors propose (1) a phase contrast microscopy image restoration method that produces phase retardation features, which are intrinsic features of phase contrast microscopy, and (2) a semi-supervised learning based algorithm for cell segmentation, which is a fundamental task for various cell behavior analysis. Specifically, the image formation process of phase contrast microscopy images is first computationally modeled with a dictionary of diffraction patterns; as a result, each pixel of a phase contrast microscopy image is represented by a linear combination of the bases, which we call phase retardation features. Images are then partitioned into phase-homogeneous atoms by clustering neighboring pixels with similar phase retardation features. Consequently, cell segmentation is performed via a semi-supervised classification technique over the phase-homogeneous atoms. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach produces quality segmentation of individual cells and outperforms previous approaches.



通讯作者:Su, H.; The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, United States; email:suhangss@gmail.com
学科代码:放射学   关键词:Cell segmentation; Phase contr
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