
Haloperidol prophylaxis decreases delirium incidence in elderly patients after noncardiac surgery: A randomized controlled trial
作者:Wang, Wei MD; Li, Hong-Liang MD; Wang, Dong-Xin MD 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: Crit Care Med2012年1月3期40卷 专家评级:★★★ 循证评级:A


To evaluate the efficacy and safety of short-term low-dose intravenous haloperidol for delirium prevention in critically ill elderly patients after noncardiac surgery.


Prospective, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial in two centers.


Intensive care units of two large tertiary teaching hospitals.


Four hundred fifty-seven patients 65yrs or older who were admitted to the intensive care unit after noncardiac surgery.


Haloperidol (0.5mg intravenous bolus injection followed by continuous infusion at a rate of 0.1mg/h for 12hrs; n=229) or placebo (n=228) was randomly administered from intensive care unit admission.


The primary end point was the incidence of delirium within the first 7days after surgery. Secondary end points included time to onset of delirium, number of delirium-free days, length of intensive care unit stay, all-cause 28-day mortality, and adverse events. Delirium was assessed using the confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit.


The incidence of delirium during the first 7days after surgery was 15.3% (35/229) in the haloperidol group and 23.2% (53/228) in the control group (p=.031). The mean time to onset of delirium and the mean number of delirium-free days were significantly longer (6.2days [95% confidence interval 5.9–6.4] vs. 5.7days [95% confidence interval 5.4–6.0]; p=.021; and 6.8±0.5days vs. 6.7±0.8days; p=.027, respectively), whereas the median length of intensive care unit stay was significantly shorter (21.3hrs [95% confidence interval 20.3–22.2] vs. 23.0hrs [95% confidence interval 20.9–25.1]; p=.024) in the haloperidol group than in the control group. There was no significant difference with regard to all-cause 28-day mortality between the two groups (0.9% [2/229] vs. 2.6% [6/228]; p=.175). No drug-related side effects were documented.


For elderly patients admitted to intensive care unit after noncardiac surgery, short-term prophylactic administration of low-dose intravenous haloperidol significantly decreased the incidence of postoperative delirium. The therapy was well-tolerated

学科代码:急诊医学 重症监护   关键词:采用氟哌啶醇预防可降低老年人在非心脏手术后的谵妄发生率:随机
来源: Eclips
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