
Complications After Use of Gastric Segments for Lower Urinary Tract Reconstruction
作者:" Miguel CastellanCorresponding author contact 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: J UROLOGY2012年1月5期187卷 专家评级: 循证评级:D


We retrospectively reviewed our experience with the use of gastric segments for lower urinary tract reconstruction with an emphasis on long-term complications.

Materials and Methods:

A total of 29 patients underwent reconstruction of the lower urinary tract using gastric segments between 1993 and 2000. Diagnoses included neurogenic bladder (21), cloacal exstrophy (5), solitary kidney/ectopic ureter (1), posterior urethral valves (1) and rhabdomyosarcoma of prostate (1). Gastric segment was used as gastrocystoplasty (21), composite gastroenteric cystoplasty (6), demucosalized gastrocystoplasty (1) and continent gastric reservoir (1).


Mean followup was 13.9years (range 9 to 16.5). Complications were seen in 15 (51.7%) patients. Seven patients had the hematuria-dysuria syndrome, which was intractable in 1 and necessitated excision of the gastric patch. Due to severe complications necessitating major reoperations 3 patients underwent re-augmentation with enteric segments without excision of the gastric tissue (composite). One patient who underwent demucosalized gastrocystoplasty had excision of the gastric tissue and re-augmentation with enteric segment due to contraction of the gastric patch. A stone developed in 1 patient with a composite gastroenteric reservoir. Malignancy developed in the reservoir in 3 patients 11, 12 and 14years after gastrocystoplasty, and all 3 died of metastasis.


We do not recommend the use of gastric segments for reconstruction of the lower urinary tract due to the high incidence of reoperations and complications. In patients in whom gastric segments were used in the past for lower urinary tract reconstruction, regular surveillance and close followup are strongly advocated.

学科代码:眼科学   关键词:采用胃段进行下泌尿道重建后的并发症
来源: Eclips
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