

FDA finalizes regulations defining ‘gluten free’ for celiac patients
来源:EGMN 2013-08-06 12:04点击次数:523发表评论



根据规定,生产企业在其食品所含麸质少于百万分之二十(20 ppm)的情况下可标注“无麸质”。麸质是一种存在于小麦、大麦和黑麦中的蛋白质。据FDA介绍,如果日常饮食中含有少量麸质,多数乳糜泻患者是可以耐受的。


负责治疗乳糜泻患者的临床医生对这一规定表示赞赏。麻省总医院乳糜泻研究中心主任Alessio Fasano医生在声明中指出:“在没有恰当的食品标注规定的情况下,乳糜泻患者就无法确定食品标签上的‘无麸质’这个词究竟是什么意思。”

目前美国大约有300万例患者,其中很多尚未获得诊断。这一监管行动使得美国与加拿大和欧盟达成了一致,后两者均将“无麸质”定义为麸质少于20 ppm。

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By: JANE ANDERSON, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

The Food and Drug Administration has finalized regulations intended to define the term "gluten free" on food packaging in an effort to give celiac disease patients and others following the gluten-free diet confidence that the food they buy is safe for them to consume.

The new regulations, which were nearly a decade in the making, do not require food manufacturers to label products as gluten free. Instead, they lay out the rules to follow if those manufacturers want to voluntarily place "gluten-free" labels on products.

The rules state that manufacturers can label foods "gluten free" if they contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. According to the FDA, most celiac disease patients can tolerate a small amount of gluten in their food each day.

The regulations prohibit the use of the term "gluten free" on any product that contains wheat, barley, or rye ingredients unless those ingredients have been processed to remove the gluten. Products that are naturally gluten free, such as eggs, fruits, vegetables, and bottled water, also can carry the "gluten free" label.

Physicians who treat celiac disease patients praised the ruling. "Without proper food labeling regulation, celiac patients cannot know what the words ‘gluten free’ mean when they see them on a food label," Dr. Alessio Fasano, medical director of the Center for Celiac Research at Mass General Hospital for Children, Boston, said in a statement.

About 3 million people in the United States have celiac disease; many of them are undiagnosed. The regulatory action brings the United States into line with Canada and the European Union, both of which consider "gluten free" to mean less than 20 ppm of gluten.

Manufacturers have1 year to comply with the regulations or risk facing compliance action from the FDA. The agency said that the vast majority of "gluten free"–labeled products on the shelves today – 95% – already comply with the regulations.

学科代码:消化病学   关键词:无麸质饮食 乳糜泻
来源: EGMN
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