
Unforeseen consequences of the increasing rate of cesarean deliveries: early placenta accreta and cesarean scar pregnancy. A review
2012-07-04 10:43点击:217次发表评论
作者:Ilan E. Timor-Tritsch, MD, , Ana Monteagudo, MD
期刊: AM J OBSTET GYNECOL2012年7月1期207卷

This review concentrates on 2 consequences of cesarean deliveries that may occur in a subsequent pregnancy. They are the pathologically adherent placenta and the cesarean scar pregnancy. We explored their clinical and diagnostic as well as therapeutic similarities. We reviewed the literature concerning the occurrence of early placenta accreta and cesarean section scar pregnancy. The review resulted in several conclusions: (1) the diagnosis of placenta accreta and cesarean scar pregnancy is difficult; (2) transvaginal ultrasound seems to be the best diagnostic tool to establish the diagnosis; (3) an early and correct diagnosis may prevent some of their complications; (4) curettage and systemi

学科代码:妇产科学   关键词:剖宫产率增加的无法预料的后果:早期胎盘植入与剖宫产瘢痕妊娠
来源: ScienceDirect
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