
Management of recurrent cervical cancer: A review of the literature
2012-08-30 11:17点击:117次发表评论
作者:" M. Peirettia, I. Zapardielb, Correspondin 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: SURG ONCOL2012年1月2期21卷 专家评级: 循证评级:B


The aim of this narrative review is to update the current knowledge on the treatment of recurrent cervical cancer based on a literature review.

Material and Methods:

A web based search in Medline and CancerLit databases has been carried out on recurrent cervical cancer management and treatment. All relevant information has been collected and analyzed, prioritizing randomized clinical trials.


Cervical cancer still represents a significant problem for public health with an annual incidence of about half a million new cases worldwide. Percentages of pelvic recurrences fluctuate from 10% to 74% depending on different risk factors. Accordingly to the literature, it is suggested that chemoradiation treatment (containing cisplatin and/or taxanes) could represent the treatment of choice for locoregional recurrences of cervical cancer after radical surgery. Pelvic exenteration is usually indicated for selected cases of central recurrence of cervical cancer after primary or adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy with bladder and/or rectum infiltration neither extended to the pelvic side walls nor showing any signs of extrapelvic spread of disease. Laterally extended endopelvic resection (LEER) for the treatment of those patients with a locally advanced disease or with a recurrence affecting the pelvic wall has been described.


The treatment of recurrences of cervical carcinoma consists of surgery, and of radiation and chemotherapy, or the combination of different modalities taking into consideration the type of primary therapy, the site of recurrence, the disease-free interval, the patient symptoms, performance status, and the degree to which any given treatment might be beneficial.

学科代码:肿瘤学   关键词:复发性宫颈癌的治疗:文献综述
来源: Eclips
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