

Manuscription Submission 

We are pleased to announce that we have provided an online system of manuscript tracking called Editorial Manager https://www.editorialmanager.com/crai.
Authors are encouraged to submit their articles to Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology ONLINE. This will allow quicker and more efficient processing of your manuscript. If authors are unable to submit online, they should contact the Editor-in-Chief at :
M. E. Gershwin, MD • University of California at Davis School of Medicine
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy, and Clinical Immunology
451 E. Health Services Dr., GBSF, Suite 6510
Davis, CA 95616-8660
Tel: (530) 752-2884 • Fax: (530) 752-4669 • E-mail: megershwin@ucdavis.edu


Copy of manuscripts submitted for consideration must be sent via e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief or to one of the regional Editors. Type manuscript in English, giving full first and last names and full affiliations for all authors. Provide address and phone and fax numbers, and E-mail address for the corresponding author.
Type manuscript double-spaced on one side of consecutively numbered pages with 1- to 1-1/2-inch margins. Include all figures and tables.

Computer Disks 

Once your manuscript has been accepted, be sure to include an electronic version in PC or Macintosh format, preferably in a Microsoft Word document. Manuscripts and electronic versions must match. Revised electronic versions cannot be submitted without a corresponding reprinted manuscript.


All manuscripts submitted must be accompanied by a signed copyright transfer agreement, in favor of Humana Press.


Abstracts should be a single paragraph of 100–200 words. Abbreviations and reference citations should be avoided.

Index Entries 

Include 3–6 index entries/key words.


All illustrations, including chemical structures, must be provided in professional-quality, finished form ready for direct reproduction without revision by us. For Computer Graphic submission specs see below.
Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals, callouts (if any) should be capital letters. All figures must be cited in text; figures will be placed as close as possible to the first text citation.
Include figure captions on a separate, numbered manuscript sheet. Define all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure. All illustrations, including chemical structures, must be provided in professional-quality, finished form ready for direct reproduction without revision by us.
Color art cannot be accepted unless the author is willing to assume the additional production costs involved. One page of color will cost $600; 2 pages, $800; 3 pages, $950; and 4 pages, $1150. Cost of color for more than 4 pages available on request.
Color Figures: Color will be printed at the author' s expense: US$1150 per article
Photographs should be glossy prints of high quality and with strong contrasts to withstand some reduction. Please indicate the magnification by a rule on the photograph. Additional specifications apply regarding Computer Graphics and Color Art.
If your submission includes Computer Graphics, acceptable software formats are: Adobe Illustrator versions 5 and up; Adobe Photoshop versions 5 and up. File formats are as follows: EPS (Encapsulated Postscript), TIFF, and those native software formats listed above. Unfortunately we cannot accept Microsoft PowerPoint files at this time. dpi specifications: line art should be no less than 1200 dpi; halftone scans should be 300 dpi. Please submit electronic artwork on 3.5” floppy disks, 100 MB Zip disks, CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD. A printed copy of all electronic artwork must accompany the disk. Only figures will be returned in the case of rejected manuscripts.


Type on separate pages. Number consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of mention in the text. Provide titles for all tables. Footnotes to tables indicated by lower case letters are acceptable, but they should not include extensive experimental detail.


Cite in the text by italic Arabic numerals in parentheses, set on the text line. Cite in numerical order (i.e., 1, 2, 3, and so on). List at the end of the paper in the order in which they appear in text. Manuscripts in preparation or submitted, but not yet accepted, may be cited in the text, but should not be included in the list of references. Please list all authors when there are six or fewer; when seven or more, list only the first three and add “et al.” Follow style indicated below:
Journal reference:
1. Nakane, P. K. and Kawaoi, A. (1974), Title of article. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 22, 1084–1088.
Chapter in book:
2. Rilke, R. M. and Thomas, D. (1984), Title of chapter, in Applied Biopoeisis, vol. 3, Lowell, R., ed., Humana, Totowa, NJ, pp. 99–108.
Book reference:
3. Bergmeyer, H. (1974), Methods in Enzymatic Analysis, 2nd ed., Academic, New York.
4. Sansarci, H. (1980), Title of document, PhD thesis, First Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Page Charges 

There are NO page charges for accepted articles.

Does Springer provide English language support? 

Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will be checked by our copyeditors for spelling and formal style. This may not be sufficient if English is not your native language and substantial editing would be required. In that case, you may want to have your manuscript edited by a native speaker prior to submission. A clear and concise language will help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your paper and thus smooth the peer review process.
The following editing service provides language editing for scientific articles in:
Medicine, biomedical and life sciences, chemistry, physics, engineering, business/economics, and humanities
Use of an editing service is neither a requirement nor a guarantee of acceptance for publication.
Please contact the editing service directly to make arrangements for editing and payment.

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