

Submission is considered on the conditions that papers are previously unpublished, and are not offered simultaneously elsewhere; that all authors have read and approved the content, and all authors have also declared all competing interests; and that the work complies with Ethical Policies of the Journal, and has been conducted under internationally accepted ethical standards after relevant ethical review.

Submission of manuscripts. Manuscripts should be submitted online through the CEA ScholarOne Manuscripts website at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cea.

The Journal will accept for publication suitable manuscripts dealing with the aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of allergic (and related) diseases. These might include the study of methods of controlling allergic reactions, human and animal models of hypersensitivity and other aspects of basic and applied clinical allergy in its broadest sense including clinical trials.

The Journal also publishes solicited and unsolicited review articles on subjects of topical interest to experimental and clinical allergists. It does not in general publish papers of a primarily methodological nature. Editorials are by invitation only. The Journal does not publish case reports.

Papers are accepted on the understanding that no substantial part has been, or will be, published elsewhere, in whole or in part, and once papers have been accepted they remain the copyright of the Journal.

Genetic association studies. Papers reporting genetic association studies will be expected to conform to the guidelines set out by Hall and Blakey (Hall IP, Blakey JD. Thorax 2005; 60:357-9.)

For the recommendations of Clinical & Experimental Allergy for studies that include airway function measurements in mouse models, please see: Inman MD. Trends and recommendations in studies of mouse airway function. Clin Exp Allergy 2010;40:524-7. Briefly, the recommendations are as follows. Some journals have taken the view that Penh measurements are not acceptable unless they have been validated by direct measurements in the particular model system being used in the study. This is not the position of Clinical & Experimental Allergy. While we recognize the limitations of the technique and it is important that authors take these limitations into account when presenting their paper, mandatory usage of direct measurement systems will not be required for submission. The need for direct airway function measurements will be assessed on an individual basis and the editors reserve the right to request direct measurements when deemed important to the overall message of the paper. This is particularly likely to be the case when a novel functional finding is being reported.

Correspondence and Reply. If space is available and the subject is of sufficient interest, correspondence concerning recent publications in the journal is occasionaly published. Because of space limitations, publication will depend on priority rating and letters that confirm previously published material without adding significant new information are less likely to be published. The authors of the original work will be invited to respond to any letters commenting on their manuscript. In the first instance authors who wish to comment on a published paper must submit the letter electronically to the Editorial Office (). Correspondence shouldnot be submitted online.

Electronic files of the manuscript contents must be uploaded at the CEA ScholarOne Manuscripts website at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cea, and the onscreen steps should be followed to submit the manuscript to the Editorial Office. Manuscripts that do not conform to guidelines will be delayed in processing. Online submission ensures the quickest possible review and allows authors to track the progress of their papers online. If authors are not able to submit their manuscript online they should contact the Editorial Office by email (), or by telephone at +44 (0)1865 476 542.

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Prior to acceptance there is no requirement to inform an Editorial Office that you intend to publish your paper OnlineOpen if you do not wish to. All OnlineOpen articles are treated in the same way as any other article. They go through the journal's standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.

A submission form should accompany every submission and is available from the 'Instructions and Forms' section of the ScholarOne Manuscripts submission website athttp://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cea. This is a statement signed by all the authors indicating that the material is original and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere, that all authors have contributed significantly to the research and preparation, revision and final production of the manuscript and approve its submission.

Please note that, following the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), Clinical and Experimental Allergy requires authors to have registered their clinical trials on a publicly accessible database. Please see the ICMJE website (http://www.icmje.org) for details of the registration process.

All authors must declare any relevant competing interests. The disclosure applies only to authors who have financial relationships with companies that have an interest in the subject matter of their manuscript. If appropriate, the statement should also be included at the end of the manuscript. The Journal subscibes to the doctrine of BMJ Journals which states 'A competing interest exists when professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as patients' welfare or the validity of the research) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal rivalry). It may arise for the authors of an article when they have a financial interest that may influence - probably without their knowing - their interpretation of their results or those of others. There is nothing inherently unethical about a conflict of interest but they should be acknowledged and openly stated'.

Manuscripts should be typed (double spacing) in A4 page format. The manuscript should be written in clear and concise English. Authors whose primary language is not English should obtain assistance with writing to avoid grammatical problems and delays in processing. Under normal circumstances articles should not exceed 10 printed pages (approximately 5000 words, with no more than 8 illustrations (tables and/or figures). Longer articles are accepted at the discretion of the Editors.

The manuscript should be organized as follows: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References. Each section should begin on a new page. Pages should be numbered. The generic terms for all drugs and chemicals should be used.

The title page should include the full title of the paper, a condensed title for a running head, the list of authors and institutional affiliations, and the name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author who should be contacted regarding the manuscript.

Abstract: this should be no longer than 300 words and should summarise the results and conclusions concisely. Acronyms, references and tabular data should not be included. The abstract should be organized with the following subheadings: Background: why was the study performed? Objective: what is the purpose of the study? Methods: what were the principal methods used? Results: What are the most important findings? Conclusions & Clinical Relevance: What is the most important conclusion drawn, and what is the clinical relevance of the results?

Introduction: containing the reasons for doing the work.

Materials and Methods: sufficient information must be included to permit repetition of experimental work.

Results: these should be given concisely; the use of tables and figures to illustrate the same results will only rarely be allowed.

Discussion: the presentation of results should be separated from a discussion of their significance. This section should not repeat results.

Acknowledgements, conflict of interest, etc.: general acknowledgements for consultations, statistical analyses, and the like, including full names of individuals involved, as well as noting financial or other support of the research. Authors should declare any competing interests, in addition to completing the submission form.

References (see below)

Figure legends, tables and figures

Ethics. All human and animal studies must be approved by an appropriate ethics committee or review board (depending on local arrangements), and a statement to this effect should be included in the methods section, or the reasons why it was not necessary if this is the case. All clinical investigations must have been conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki (http://www.wma.net).

Units and abbreviations. The Journal recognizes the adoption of the Systéme International d'Unités (SI Units) proposed in Units, Symbols and Abbreviations (1972) published by the Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AE.

Abbreviations included in the list published Clin Exp Allergy 2004; 34:160-2 need not be written in full. Other abbreviations should only be used when they occur frequently. Please go to this link for the list:http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/CEA_Abbreviations.pdf.

References. It is the author's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the references. Authors are expected to perform a comprehensive search of the literature to gather the most current articles relative to the subject matter. References in the manuscript text should appear as numbers in square brackets or they may follow authors' names in the text if necessary. The reference list should show the references in numerical (not alphabetical) order. The full title of the paper should be given with first and last page numbers. The journal should be abbreviated according to the system adopted by Index Medicus.

For example:

Cartier A, Thomson NC, Frith PA, Roberts R, Hargreave FE. Allergen-induced increase in bronchial responsiveness to histamine: relations to late asthmatic response and change in airway caliber. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1982;70:170-7.

When the quotation is from a book the following format should be used, giving the relevant page or chapter number:

Antia FP. Clinical dietetics and nutrition. 2nd Edn. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.

Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA, eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1974:457-72.

Work that has not been accepted for publication and personal communications should not appear in the reference list. Work that has been accepted for publication should be included in the reference list stating the journal in which it is to appear.

References in Articles
We recommend the use of a tool such Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.

Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:


Illustrations. Figures should be numbered (Arabic numerals) in the order they appear in the text. Legends to the figures should be typed on a separate sheet. For online submission and review purposes you may submit a PDF file. If your paper is accepted it is important that all electronic artwork is supplied to the editorial office in the correct format and resolution. It is recommended that you consult the publisher's Illustration guidelines athttp://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/illustration.asp if you need advice on any aspect of preparing your artwork.

Tables should be typed on separate pages. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, have a brief title, and be cited in the text. It should be possible to understand the information in a table without reading the text. The information in a very small table can be presented more economically as one or two sentences of text. Units should appear in parentheses in the column headings but not in the body of the table. Words or numerals should be repeated on successive lines; ditto should not be used.

Pre-Submission English-language editing
If you are not a native English speaker, we strongly recommend that you have your manuscript professionally edited before submission. A list of companies that will edit your manuscript for a fee can be found here http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/english_language.asp. Professional editing is not compulsory, but will mean that reviewers are better able to read and assess your manuscript. Use of one of these companies does not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication in this journal.

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Data sharing. The journal supports the efforts to encourage open sharing of publication-related data. The journal adheres to the beliefs that authors should include in their publications the data, algorithms, or other information that is central or integral to the publication or make it freely and readily accessible; use public repositories for data whenever possible; and make patented material available under a licence for research use. For more information, see the NAS website:http://books.nap.edu/books/0309088593/html/1.html.

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