

The American Journal on Addictions    美国成瘾杂志

The American Journal on Addictions is the official journal of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. The Academy encourages research on the etiology, prevention, identification, and treatment o [ 点击查看全部简介 ]


The American Journal on Addictions publishes special overview articles, original clinical or basic research papers, clinical updates, brief reports, case studies, international perspectives, book reviews and letters within the area of addictions. Submission of material to this journal, published six times per year, is understood to imply that it or substantial parts of it have not been published, accepted for publication or submitted for consideration elsewhere. Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be required to assign copyright ownership in writing to the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.

Submission Procedure. To facilitate reviewing and processing of manuscripts, papers should be submitted electronically to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amjaddict.
A cover letter must also be submitted indicating that the material is intended for publication and specifying for which section of the Journal it is to be considered (i.e. Regular Article, Letter to the Editor, etc.). All accepted manuscripts, artwork and photographs become the property of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. A PC-based format using MS Word or WordPerfect is required; please do not send pdfs. See the section on Illustrations for guidelines for submitting figures.

Peer Review. All manuscripts, including those written at the invitation of the Editor, are subject to peer review by at least two experts. Upon completion of the review (usually a 10-week process), the Author(s) will be advised of the decision on the manuscript. If revisions are deemed necessary, this feedback will be based on and detailed from the reviews. Revised material is due in a timely fashion to avoid the necessity of returning to the peer review stage. At the discretion of the Editor, reviewer comments will be included with the return of rejected manuscripts. Please note that all reviews remain anonymous. Persons interested in becoming reviewers for the Journal should check the appropriate box in their ScholarOne account.

Articles Articles are reports of original work that embodies scientific excellence in addiction psychiatry and advances in clinical research. Typically, Articles will contain new data derived from a sizable series of patients or subjects. Brevity and conciseness are highly valued. Open label studies will only be considered as Letters to the Editor.
Brief Reports Brief Reports present 1) data from preliminary studies with suggestive findings warranting more definitive investigation, 2) worthwhile replication studies, and 3) negative studies of important topics. Brief Reports cannot exceed 1,500 words, including an abstract of no more than 100 words, text, and references. No more than one table or one figure may be included.
Letters to the Editor Letters should be no more than 700 words and should include no more than 7 references; no tables or figures should be included. A letter must be signed by all of its authors. Case reports and other uncontrolled observations should be submitted as Letters to the Editor. Case reports will be peer reviewed.
Clinical Update This type of article is usually an invited review of a clinical area. These Clinical Updates differ from Review Articles in being reviews of the clinical literature that do not focus on research methods and typically speak to the treatment of a relatively common or rapidly emerging clinical problem in addictions. The data base for such an article may not be as well developed as is needed for a useful Review Article, but is not simply a series of case reports. Flexibility is allowed in the format for such Updates and brevity is highly valued, since the target audience is busy, practicing addiction specialists or primary care physicians trying to keep up with new treatments in addictions. If you are interested in providing a Clinical Update, then please send us a written brief proposal including a title, authors, abstract and outline for an article of up to 5000 words.
International Perspective These papers may fit any of the other categories, but will be published to focus attention on addiction research and treatment around the world.
Review Articles These are usually overview articles that bring together important information on a topic of general interest to addiction psychiatry. Review articles are not a regular feature of the Journal, and authors who have ideas for such articles are advised to submit their topic information in writing to the Editorial Office before submission.
